Chapter 31

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"I just cant believe it! We actually planned the date for me! Grayson is just like the perfect guy ever!" Lindsey smiled, gushing about Grayson finally spilling the beans to her.

"Yeah well, don't get your hopes up. He can be a freakin jacka**." I stated, taking a seat out our lunch table.

"You're still on that bullsh**? Grayson is just trying to protect you because that's the kind of person he is. He cares about his friends and wishes the best for them. Hayden isn't someone you should lose your firsts too. He's done a lot of stuff and you don't deserve to be with someone that will only destroy you." She lectured, rolling her eyes.

It seems like everyone is against me be being happy. That's what Hayden does for me. He's the only person that brings sunshine to my dark, lonely world. I'm not gonna let them control the decisions I make in life. They're my decisions after all.

"Grayson and I are on good terms I guess but I hate that everyone is against Hayden and I. He's helped me more in the past few months then anyone ever thought about doing. Don't get me wrong, I love you to death, but he does and says things that make me believe in fighting for what I want. No one's ever came close to making me realize I can't just let people walk all over me. Hayden is....He's given me a reason to fight." I replied, not being able to hide the smile threatening to make its way to my face.

"Babe, I'm not against you and Hayden. I just don't want him to hurt you the way he's hurt countless of other girls. We're all just looking out for you."

"I'm a big girl. You don't have to look out for me. I appreciate it, but I can take care of myself." I stated, taking a drink of my water.

"Okay. I can see that he's making you happy so for you, not him, I will stop trying to tell you what to do." She smiled, giving me a small hug.

I returned the gesture, happy to get that off of my chest. I then realized that I only thought of myself when she mentioned her date with Grayson. I'm such a horrible friend.

"So you and Grayson huh?" I asked, smirking at her.

"Oh my gosh Chloe! You have no idea how bad I wanted to kiss him when he told me about the date. I just couldn't believe my own ears. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. The man I've been in love with for years actually likes me back. I couldn't control my excitement! Well, I did in front of him, but when I got home last night, I felt like a little girl all over again. I was jumping around my room, bouncing off the walls, and screaming to the top of my lungs. My parents thought I was dying, but I didn't care. My dream is coming true." She grinned, blushing as Grayson approached us.

I thought it was so adorable to see her acting that way over a date. Her eyes lit up at the memory and I couldn't help but giggle at her excitement. Only if she could see herself.

Calum was right behind Grayson, looking down at his phone, not paying any attention to the other students he was bumping into. They all sent him death glares and some guys said a few choice words. Luckily, they made it to the table and Calum put his phone away. Lindsey was smiling at Grayson who was smirking at her in return. I could see a hint of red on his cheeks which I found to be quite adorable. They are just one adorable couple.

"I heard you and Hayden hooked up the other day." Calum stated, pointing his finger at me.

"Don't believe stupid rumors." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"I don't. I knew you wouldn't let him get that far just yet." He smirked, glancing at Grayson.

Yet? Does he think I'm some whore?

"He's not ever gonna get that far unless I have a ring on my finger." I stated, glaring at him.

"You're gonna wait until marriage?" Calum snickered, nudging Grayson with his elbow.

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