Chapter 35

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It's happening. In just 6 short hours I will be graduating from this stupid school. It's a very bittersweet feeling. I'm happy that I'm moving forward with my life but I'm sad about the possibility of losing contact with Lindsey, Calum, and Grayson. I've grown close with them over the past year and it's gonna hurt not having them in my life. They've changed my life in one way or another and I don't regret anything that's happened between us. Not even the ridiculous fight between Grayson and I. That argument made us closer then ever. I love them and not having them with me is a thought that I just can't bare to think about.

"Are you nervous?" Lindsey asked, taking a bite out of her chicken sandwich.

"Yes I'm nervous. I have to give a speech in front of hundreds of people. Not only do I have to give a speech but I have to give the best speech this school has ever heard. I have to give encouragement, hope, and talk about the memories of this school and the people that's changed my life. It's gonna be hard doing any of that knowing I can't go to college and having no hope on becoming the author I've always wanted to be."

"You're going to do great Chloe. You can be an author if you want to. You can go to college and major in Literature. You can have the future you've always dreamed of having. You can do anything you want if you set your mind to it. You have me and these two goof balls over here." She laughed, pointing towards Grayson and Calum. "You have Hayden too and I know he will give you what you deserve and you deserve to have your dreams made in to reality. Don't sell yourself short. This is your life. You decide what you want to do with it. Not anyone else." She smiled, giving me an encouraging hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Lindsey. That means a lot." I replied, feeling so loved and cared for.

"Seriously Chloe, you are so intelligent and pretty. You are capable of anything. You have a bright future ahead of you and I'm hoping that I can be a part of it. I know we've had our...differences but I still wanna be your friend." Grayson confessed, blushing a little bit.

I smirked and gave him a hug along with Calum. I appreciate their optimism but it's just hard to believe their words. This is my future we're talking about. They are ignorant when it comes to my life after school. They have no clue what goes on. The only person that does is Hayden and he tries to comfort me about my future but honestly, it's hard to believe him too.

"Lover boy is walkin this way." Lindsey whispered, nudging my shoulder.

I looked in the direction she was pointing to and my heart stopped. Hayden had on a black suit and tie with dress shoes. His hair was styled with a small quiff. The way he walked was confident but not in an arrogant way. You know how in movies they make it look like the girl and the guy are the only ones in the room and they are looking straight at each other? Well that's how it is now. Our eyes are locked on each other and we both have a huge grin stretched across our faces.

"Hey babe." Hayden greeted, kissing me softly on the lips.

I blushed at the public display of affection, embarrassed at the looks we were receiving.

"Hey." I replied, grabbing a hold of his hand.

I intertwined our fingers and couldn't help the smirk from appearing as he watched me do so. Being this close to him feels so right and perfect. Like nothing else can compare to what we have. It's such a strong bond and I absolutely love every bit of it.

"Ready to kick some a** tonight?" He asked, rubbing my hand with his thumb.

"Don't know about kicking a** but I'm as ready as I'll ever be." I sighed, eating a fry.

"You're going to amaze everyone Adams. Their minds are going to be blown. Trust me." He grinned, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm glad you believe in me. I don't know how tonight is going to go but I know I'll give it everything I have. Which isn't saying much."

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