Chapter 10

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When I finally arrived at Prison, I was shocked to see that my parents' truck wasn't parked in it's normal spot and the lights were turned out. Good. Maybe they have no idea how long I've been gone. A little excited about not having to deal with that right now, I jumped up and down and started singing a mash up of my favorite songs. It's hard to tell since I've never felt this way before, but for the first time in my life, I actually feel...happy. A wide smile grew on my face. I went into my room and grabbed my phone from under my mattress. I turned the beautiful object on and it started going crazy, vibrating non stop. Well don't I just feel all popular and stuff. I scanned my notifications, searching for anything important enough to open. I found a few worthy of my time. Lindsey sent me a couple of text messages, I had two follow requests on Instagram, a book on wattpad updated that I've been waiting for what seems like ages on, and I had a text from Hayden. Deciding she was more interesting, I opened Lindsey's messages first.

From: My Bestie! :D

'So.....Guess what...Grayson just came over.... ;)'

'Grayson has a NICE body!! :P'

'Oh. My. Gosh. Grayson just gave me a hug!!! Eeeepppppp!!'

'Well technically, he tripped on his shoe laces and I caught his fall but It counted!!'

'Why aren't you texting me back?!? I need you right now!! This is some serious chiz!'

'Alright. Well since you're too busy for me, I'll just have to keep myself company if you know what I mean. ;)'

'Okay. That was just gross. I've gotta go. Grayson and Calum need me to make them some snacks. :( Whatever. I might just spit in em. Love ya! Thanks for keeping me busy! XOXO.'

Wow. That girl is something else. Next, I checked my follow requests on Instagram.

ReBeCcA..ThE..QuEeN..BeE requested to follow you.

Yeah... I have no idea who you are Rebecca but I'll grant you this request. You seem nice enough.

AlyssuhWhatever1995 requested to follow you.

Feeling a little scetchy about this one, I looked at her pictures and read her bio. A very familiar face was in half of her photos. They were either kissing or holding on to each other like they were inseparable. Hayden's girlfriend requested to follow me. I don't know how to feel about that. Deciding she wasn't a threat to me, I accepted her. Last and definitely least important, I read Hayden's message.

From: A**hole

'Accept her request. She seems to think I'm cheating on her with you and I need you to prove her wrong. Idk how you're gonna do that, but figure it out. I don't need her yelling at me with her annoyingly big mouth.'

To this, I replied.

'Trouble in paradise?'

A few minutes later, the jerk text me back.

'No. Mind your own business. Did you accept the request or not?'

'If you didn't want me asking questions or putting my own opinion in it, you shouldn't have told me about her stupid but believable insecurities.'

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'C'mon. We all know you're cheating on her.'

'There you go judging again. Just leave me alone and stay out of my business. I can't help that you don't have a life so you live through mine. Here's a little tip for you: Quit being so da** judgemental, annoying, and in everybody else's business but your own. Stop being so jealous of my beautiful girlfriend. Just because you aren't the best looking girl around doesn't mean you can go dissing everyone else. Go screw yourself.'

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