Chapter 5

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"You have too much mascara on. Take it off and try again." My father ordered, handing me a dirty rag off of the ground.

"Yes sir." I complied.

I slowly took off the mascara then reapplied it, but not as heavy this time. When he said it was okay to wear, I rushed to my room to get dressed. I slipped into my light washed boyfriend jeans, AC DC t-shirt, and baby blue vans. I braided my hair to the side and let my bangs fall freely over my eyes. I like to hide behind my hair. I don't know why, but it makes me feel protected from all of the people judging me. No one has the right to judge me. They don't know who I am or what I've been through. They have no idea what made me the person I am today.

I grabbed my school bag and ran to the kitchen, already knowing what's about to happen.

"There is a coffee stain on the cabinet and trash in the sink. Clean it fast or you can't eat your pop-tart." My evil mother ordered, eating her ham and cheese omelet.

I obeyed her and cleaned as fast as my body would allow me to. I never have the energy to do anything from my lack of sleep, but they don't care. The atrocious couple forces me to do it anyways. In around 3 minutes, I finished the disinfecting and enjoyed the little bit of a breakfast I had. Trying to be early for school, I started walking to the long building instead of waiting on the bus to pick me up. I'll probably get to school about 15 minutes earlier than usual by walking. I need the exercise anyway. I'm not even close to being overweight, but I never get to do normal daily activities because of- well I'm pretty sure you know by now.

Just as I had thought, I got to school early. Now, I have to go to the school library to check out a few books and apply for a couple of scholarships. My guidance counselor is forcing me to do this. I didn't argue with her because I'm used to being forced to do something against my will. It's an everyday thing.

"May I help you?" The kind librarian asked, pushing up her dark rimmed glasses.

"I'm supposed to be meeting Mrs. Alex this morning to apply for scholarships." I smiled, playing with my hands.

"Aww. Yes. She said that she will be running a few minutes behind. You can check out the new collection of books and magazines we just got in yesterday evening in the back of the library. Make sure you don't bend the paperback books and don't rip the pages. They're easy to tear when they're new and also even when they're old. If you need anything, just ring the bell by the seats. Don't disturb any other student trying to read or study." She commanded, typing something into her Mac.

I nodded my head and strolled over to the new order they received. There were a few Steven King and James Patterson books. None that caught my eye. I picked up a magazine instead. Must be nice to be famous. You get all the money you can ever possibly need, amazing house, the best clothes, great friends, bodyguards, and best of all, you have people that really love and care about you. Those are all the things a worthless broken girl like me will never have. Selena Gomez is on the cover of this particular magazine. She is so beautiful. Her skin is so clear, her hair is gorgeous, she has the perfect body, and she can get any guy she wants. That's another thing I'll never get; a guy that truly cares about me. It's one of the many wishes I whispered on a shooting star. I just want a normal life.

"Ms. Adams! Are you ready to begin?" Mrs. Alex questioned, holding a stack of papers in her hand.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I responded, putting the magazine back in its place.

We began the longest twenty minutes of my life, filling out numerous amounts of paper work. My hand felt like it was gonna fall off in any given minute. After what felt like a decade, we finally finished and I headed off to English. At least I have Grayson and Calum. Even though we're not friends, I know I'll have someone to talk to.

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