Chapter 18

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Hayden's P.O.V.

"Do you wanna walk to school together?" I asked, watching as she arched her eyebrows, something I noticed she does when she's thinking.

"Uhh....Sure." She replied, shocking the sh** out of me.

She probably thought I looked like some stupid da** animal. My eyes were so wide and my jaw was hitting the ground. I never expected her to agree. I cleared my throat and began walking.

"So you have English with Grayson and Calum?" I asked, remembering the conversation I had with Mrs. Smith. She didn't want to tell me who wrote the paper, but my irresistible charm convinced her.

"How'd ya know?"

"Mrs. Smith." I replied, stuffing my hands into my pants pockets.

"Yeah. Grayson is my best friends crush and Calum is her brother. Why do you wanna know if they're in my class?"

"Has Grayson ever mentioned he had a brother?" I asked, waiting for her reply.

"No. But we never really talk. Just at lunch and in class."

"Well he does and we uh...we kind of have a past. We didn't really get along."

I clenched my jaw, remembering the a**hole. He is the reason my parents view me as some pathetic excuse of a son.

"Why? What happened between you two?" She asked, looking up at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. Why does she have to look like this every da** day?

"Just some stuff...." I responded, walking a few steps ahead of her.

She didn't say anything. I don't know what the he** I'm doing. I have a girlfriend for christs sake. A hot girlfriend at that. I shouldn't be walking to school with Chloe. But I can't stop myself. There is something about this girl that draws me to her. I don't know what it is and I tend to find out. She's mysterious and different from any other girl I've dated. I know one thing though, it's bugging the sh** out of me not knowing why I can't get her off my da** mind. Her shirt was way too big for her, reaching past her butt to the beginning of her thighs. It looked good on her. Especially those tight jeans. They're so tight, she might as well not be wearing any at all. You wouldn't mind if she wasn't. I shook my head, trying to rid of these inappropriate thoughts. I shouldn't be thinking like this when I have a freakin' girlfriend. God, what's wrong with me?

Sooner then I liked, we arrived at school. People were staring at us with a look of shock written on their stupid faces. Why can't they just mind their own da** business? She was trying to hide her face behind her bangs, embarrassed from the amount of attention we were getting.

"How come I've never seen you around school before?" She asked, suddenly interested in the ground beneath our feet.

"I only take a few classes in this building. I'm in a program for kids that don't exactly follow the rules." I replied shyly, not wanting to explain the reason I'm in that ridiculous program.

"What do you mean?"

Why does she have to be so curious?

" parents think I'm a 'delinquent' as they call it. I got in trouble a lot and my parents got tired of it and so did the school so I've been in this stupid program for several years. It's their way of not having to put up with my bullsh**."

She just looked at me, no emotion evident on her beautiful face. I couldn't help but wonder what thoughts were racing through her head. After a few silent minutes, she replied.

"Oh. Maybe you're looking at this in the wrong perspective." She said quietly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, wondering what the he** her mind came up with.

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