Chapter 44

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This can't be happening. They can't be running free, having their mind set on finding me. For all they know, I turned them in. I'm the one that sent the police to arrest them.

"Hey, um..something came up and we've got to go. I'm sorry. Maybe we can catch up some other time." Hayden announced, grabbing his keys.

Since my parents are on the lose, Hayden's Aunt and Uncle suggested we come stay with them until they've been arrested. That way we're both protected. They don't know my parents though. They'll stop at nothing until they find me. Staying there, I don't think will help me. It just puts everyone in danger. I couldn't talk them out of it, no matter how persuasive I was being. They truly care about me, and that's not something I'm used to.

They all stood up, Lindsey being the first to approach us. "Oh, okay. That's fine. We'll see you guys later."

We bid our goodbyes and hopped into his car, turning on the radio to fill the silence. This is all becoming too much for me to handle. They're out there, probably planning my murder. Will they tear me limb by limb or make it quick and simple? Will I be suffering hours on end? So many horrible scenarios are taking over my thoughts, making me become even more paranoid then before. It's all coming to an end.

"Baby, please, quit over thinking things. You're going to be fine. We'll be protected. They can't hurt you, me, or anyone else. I hate seeing you this terrified." He placed a hand on my thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

It helped calm my nerves, but I'm still on the edge of my seat, just waiting for them to strike. It's bound to happen sooner or later.

Time passed by painfully slow. The car ride just made me think harder and become more annoyed than anything. Why can't my thoughts just escape me for a bit? I wish I could just relax for once. It seems like I can't go a week without being stressed about something.

"We're here."

I unbuckled my seat belt and opened my door, waiting for Hayden to take the first step towards their house.

Their home was beautiful, the stones leading to the porch being so unique. They were covered in hand prints, along with a few paw prints, dried into the concrete. The house just smelled of love and care, a family home none the less.

A loud bark came from behind the door, a few shushes being heard from a male voice, most likely belonging to Kevin. The door swung open, revealing four familiar faces.

I smiled, adoring Kelsey's wide grin. "Hey munchkin! I love your bow."

She giggled as I picked her up, playing with my hair. This girl is the cutest thing ever, even cuter than the little girl we met at the hotel. Which reminds me, I never asked Hayden why he was keeping his distance with her.

"Come on in. We have a spare bedroom upstairs. I figured you two would want to share a room." Mrs. Jennifer smiled, grabbing our bags.

I feel uncomfortable with them, knowing who they are and what they've done for me. "Thank you for allowing us to stay here. It means a lot."

"Oh darling, there's no need to thank us. We're here to protect you and keep them away." She took Kelsey out of my arms and ordered her to go play with her toys.

The little girl obeyed her mother, Tiny tagging along. The air was tense and awkward, none of us addressing the elephant in the room. Hayden and I grabbed a drink and headed upstairs, thanking them once again for giving us a place to stay while they are hunting down my parents.

"Chloe, everything will be okay."

"You don't know that, Hayden. You didn't grow up with them. You don't know what they are capable of. Why can't I just be like you, having wonderful parents and a caring family, huh? Why did I get stuck having a**holes as parents?!?" I was on the verge of tears, no longer being able to control the built up feelings from erupting out of me like a volcano.

"I don't know why, none of us do and we never will. But I do know that you're strong and I'm going to be with you every single day. They won't hurt you, I won't let them."

I smiled at him trying to comfort me, even though I knew he couldn't stop them from touching me. They are far more powerful than he's ever dreamed of being.

The pain I was feeling was becoming hard to repress. Hayden shouldn't be a part of this drama consuming my life, he deserves better. "I'm sorry for all of this. I know you could have someone way better than me. Someone who's life didn't reflect a depressing soap opera."

"What? Baby, there's no one in this world better for me than you. I'm completely, truly in love with you. I don't care how many bumpy roads we go down, as long as the destination is somewhere with you. That's all that matters to me, being with you, Chloe." No matter how cheesy that was, I couldn't stop the grin for appearing.

That's Hayden for you. The cheesy, romantic, idiot that I've fallen happily in love with.

I straddled his lap, pressing my lips against his neck. I nibbled on a certain spot, sucking as he gripped my a**. We both moaned, having a gust of pleasure take over our bodies. My fingers explored his soft, sexy hair, loving how it felt in my hands. I moved my swollen, red lips to his, playfully biting his bottom one. He slipped his tongue in, deepening the kiss. I moaned as he cupped my breast, gently squeezing it. Wanting to feel his toned body, I pulled at the hem of his shirt. Gliding my fingers over his abs, I slowly made my way down to his pants. He groaned as I rocked my lower half into his. Hayden continued massaging my breasts, only stopping to unfasten my bra and take off my shirt. I loved the way his hands felt on me. It was such an incredible feeling, one that I will never grow used to.

I let out a rather loud moan as his lips sucked on my breast, tossing my head back in pure ecstasy. He flipped me over on my back, him hovering over me. I groaned as Hayden placed his mouth around my nipple, sucking and licking over and over again. I grabbed his face and crashed my lips to his, not waiting to slip my tongue in. We fought for dominance until he finally caved, giving me complete control. I smirked, loving being in control for once. I lifted his shirt over his head, breaking the kiss to admire his gorgeous body. Just as we were about to continue kissing, Mrs. Jennifer called our names from downstairs.

We both were panting, out of breath from our previous heated encounter. Hurriedly, we put our clothes back on and walked downstairs, fixing our hair on the way. I'm glad she called us because if she didn't, I think I wouldn't have been able to stop him from going further. My body was already beginning to lose its control whenever he was working his magic on my boobs.

"Oh, there you are. We've been calling you for the past five minutes. What were you two doing?" Mr. Kevin asked, smirking at Hayden.

We were both turning a crimson red, shyly smiling at his Aunt and Uncle.

"Uh..We were just talking about...about some things." He couldn't have been more horrible at lying than he was right now, quickly overcoming with guilt.

I was right along with him, feeling ashamed of doing such acts in their house when they so kindly provided us with a place to stay.

"Sure you were," Mrs. Jennifer grinned, patting my back. "We just wanted to let you know dinner will be done in a few seconds. You can go ahead and wash up."

We both nodded our heads, heading to the kitchen to wash our hands. Kelsey was already at the table in the dining room, giggling at Tiny, who was sloppily licking her face.

Once we were all gathered around the table, Kevin and Jennifer passed around the plates and bowls full of delicious food. It all looked and smelled amazing, making my mouth water at the sight.

A phone chiming interrupted our conversation, Hayden and I tensing more and more as the ringing continued. Jennifer excused herself from the table and answered the call, chewing her lip in anticipation.


(A/N So, I decided to do double update! I hope you enjoyed Chapter 44! Don't hesitate to vote and comment, possibly even follow! I follow back if you're a dedicated reader! There's only one more chapter left and an epilogue. I can't believe it's already gotten this far. Thank you so much for reading! Love you! :D)

P.S. Sorry for the crappy ending and I hope no one finds their intimate moments to be disturbing. I'm just wanting you to see how much Chloe's grown as a person, how she's coming out of her shell. If it bothers you, I am so sorry and I hope you don't stop reading "The Text" because of it. Oh, and I want to give a special thanks to @Lalabear99 for being such a lovely reader. Thank you for voting and commenting! It means the world to me! :)

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