Chapter 19

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There was five minutes until lunch. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning so my stomach has been growling all day long. I've been getting glances from people probably thinking I'm some anorexic chick. I don't blame 'em. If I saw me in another persons eyes, I would think I had some eating disorder too.

I'm hoping Grayson and Calum eat lunch with Lindsey and I today. I need to ask them some questions. I can't help but wonder what went on between Hayden and Grayson's brother. That's one of the many questions I'm gonna ask him. I'm gonna become a very......menacing interrogator. I'll threaten him about spilling his secret to Lindsey about this date if he doesn't tell me. I'll annoy the he** out of him until he opens up. I will figure out what happened one way or another. I don't know why I text Hayden this morning. I just wanted to talk to someone and he was the first person that came to mind. And that scares me. A lot.

Finally, the annoying bell rang and we all rushed out of class. A skinny, short, shy boy was shoved onto the ground, resulting in his glasses being shattered everywhere. I felt so bad for him. He's always being bullied and teased about the way he looks and acts. I think it's ridiculous how kids these days don't give a sh** about how they make someone feel. Wanting to help, I walked over to him and picked up a few sheets of paper that fell out of his binder.

"Here you go." I said, handing him the note filled paper.

He looked up at me with an expression of sadness mixed with a slight look of fear. Those guys are freakin' douche bags.

"T-Thanks." He stuttered, taking them from my hands.

"No problem. If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"Patrick." He stated quietly, taking out another pair of glasses and placing them on his face.

He comes prepared, I noticed.

"Hi Patrick. I'm Chloe. It's nice to meet you." I introduced myself, stretching out my hand for him to shake.

Hesitantly, he took my hand and gave it a firm shake. I gave him a polite smile in return, hoping it would ease him up a bit. Luckily, it did. He stood up and slung his bag over his shoulder. I slowly got on my feet and picked up my phone from the desk beside me. Feeling very kind, I thought of a brilliant idea.

"Hey Patrick? Would you like to eat lunch with me and my friends? We could use a sane member in our group." I asked, trying to help him feel a little better about himself.

He smiled and replied: "Thanks for the offer but I would rather eat in my regular spot. I feel more safe and secure there."

"Are you sure? We have plenty of room and trust me, no one will be able to mess with you if you're with us."

He took a moment to think it through and shook his head in agreement, letting me know he would like to join us. I sent Lindsey a quick text letting her know we're gonna have a new member at our lunch table. She just sent a smiling emoji in reply. Patrick wouldn't make eye contact with me, probably feeling nervous about the situation. He's never said one word in class so I figured this is more than likely a big deal for him. If Grayson and Calum are sitting with us, they better not mess with him or I'm gonna kick 'em where the sun don't shine.

Patrick held on to his binder like his life depended on it. He seemed so fragile, like one small touch could break him. And it probably could. I hope I can help him become a stronger person. I know how difficult it is to deal with pain every single day. I want him to know that he's not alone. I'm here for him and always will be. I've always wanted someone to be there for me no matter what. Lindsey is going off to college in a few months so I'm gonna be left to deal with this bulls*** by myself. I never told her what my life is actually like but I knew I would see her at school. I look forward to the only normal part of my life I have every week. Most kids hate Monday's but I freakin' love them. Monday's are like a sign letting me know my horrible weekend has come to an end and my somewhat normal week has begun. Well they used to be. Now I get beatings everyday. School is slowly ending. In just two weeks, we're gonna be graduating. In two weeks, hell is opening up for good, never to close again. I have to endure the physical and emotional pain every waking day with no breaks. The only time I will get a break is when my parents go away for two weeks, but even then I'm gonna be watched 24/7.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even realize we reached our table.

"Hey Lindsey. This is Patrick. Patrick, this is Lindsey." I stated, introducing friend to my best friend.

"Hey Patrick. It's nice to meet you. I think I've seen you around before." Lindsey said, looking him over.

"Y-Yeah. We actually have art together. I sit at the table behind you." He replied shyly, pushing up his glasses.

"Oh right! You're the kid that always smells b-" She started saying before I stopped her with a stomp on the foot.

She gave me a 'What the he** look'. I just gave her a smirk and took a seat. I didn't feel like eating today. My stomach feels a little queasy. I should probably force the food down because I know I won't get much tonight. Just like I hoped, Grayson and Calum pulled out a chair and sat down. I didn't even wait a second before I bursted out the question.

"Do you have a brother, Grayson?"

He just gave me a funny look. He chewed and swallowed his piece of apple and then looked straight at me.

"What's it to ya?"

"Answer my question and I'll answer yours." I stated, awaiting his reply.

"Mike is a year older than me. He got in a lot of trouble when he was younger so they put him in a program. Now, answer my question."

"Someone told me some stuff is all."



"Who, Chloe?" He growled, irritated with me.

"Hayden." I whispered.

"Hayden Miller?" He asked, watching my every move.

I nodded my head yes and he clenched his jaw. What in the he** happened?

"Stay away from him, Chloe. He's nothin' but trouble."

"What did he do? What happened between him and Mike?"

"Just stay away from him. He'll ruin you."

And with that statement lingering in the tense air, he walked away. Why will Hayden ruin me? What went on between them two?

(A/N Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. I've had a bit of writers block. It's the worst thing ever. I'm sorry if this isn't a great chapter. I was gonna write Chapter 19 in Hayden's P.O.V. but I felt like it needed to be in Chloe's P.O.V. So what do you think happened between Mike and Hayden? Should Chloe stay away from Hayden? What do you think or Patrick? I will write another chapter in his P.O.V. but I don't know when. Thank you so much for reading! Please vote and comment! If you want, you can follow me! I'll follow dedicated readers back! Love you! :D)

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