Chapter 38

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"Babe, I have to get home. My parents are gonna be back soon." I whined, trying to pry him off of me.

For the past hour, we've been laying in the bed, talking about the most ridiculous things. Of course, we've shared a few kisses here and there. Hayden won't get his lazy a** off of me and it's getting to the point where he just ignores me and pretends to be asleep. He is so da** immature.

"Hayden, seriously, get the he** off of me." I stated, irritated with him.

"Five more minutes." He groaned.

"You said that ten minutes ago."

He huffed, but finally got up. I grinned at him as I walked to the bathroom, grabbing my clean underwear out of my bag, and my dress and bra off of the floor. Flashbacks from what happened last night made their way to my mind, causing my cheeks to heat up. I shook my head and closed the door behind me, starting my shower.

A little while later, I was stepping out of the shower, drying myself off. Just as the towel slid off from around my body, Hayden popped in. I widened my eyes, trying everything in my power to cover up. He just smirked and walked over to me, un-crossing my legs and moving my arms from my chest. I blushed immensely as his eyes scanned over me.

"How did I get so lucky to end up with a beautiful girl like you?" He asked, grinning from ear to ear.

I giggled and brushed my fingers through my hair, pulling it all to the left. Something changed in his eyes as he leaned in for a kiss. He nibbled on my lip, demanding entrance. I quickly granted it, deepening it even further. He raked his hands over my exposed body, making me let out a very unattractive groan. He smirked and grabbed my a**. I laughed and shoved him off of me.

"Hayden..Baby..S-Stop." I begged, moaning as his lips made their way to right below my earlobe.

"You don't really mean that." He smirked, sucking on my sensitive spot.

"Y-Yes I do. I need to go home." This time, I was able to push him away.

I got dressed and went into the room, collecting all of my things. Hayden dragged behind, mumbling about not wanting to leave or something like that, I couldn't really understand him. I grabbed the spare key and tried giving it to Hayden, but he just shoved my hand away.

"I want you to keep it. That way you can come here whenever you feel like it." He stated, shrugging his shoulders.

I smiled and kissed his cheek, thanking him in the process.

Once I had everything together, we exited the room and made our way down to the lobby, grabbing a cup of coffee and a few donuts on our way out. As we passed the receptionists' desk, the same man from last night winked at me and blew me a kiss. I just glared at him and clung to Hayden, letting that pervert know I belong to Hayden and Hayden only. One thing has been bugging me for a while now, so I decided to ask him about it.

"Hayden, if you rent that hotel room, why did the receptionist tell you we had to check out and return our keys?" I asked, confused.

"I told him to. I didn't know for sure if I was gonna tell you about me renting it, but then I was just like screw it and told you anyways."

"Oh. So does he think we're married or was that just a way of hiding it from me too?"

"He really thinks we're married. I said we were on our honeymoon and I was surprising you with the room/apartment."

"Ohh. Makes sense." I said, opening the door to his car.

"Are you mad about all of this?" He asked, looking a bit worried.

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