Chapter 21

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"Well don't you look cute with your little bow." Calum stated, playing with my hair.

"Quit touching my hair. It's weird and creepy." I replied, shoving his large hand away from my head.

"Oh you're not one of those girls are you?" He asked, confusing me.

"Uhh....I have no idea what your talkin about but I'm pretty sure I'm not."

"Yo Grayson, she's one of those girls." Calum said, confusing me even more.

"With the hair thing?" Grayson asked, making a mess with his boiling hot chili.

"Yeah. Never thought she would be one of 'em."

"What the he** are y'all talkin about?" I asked, getting pissed off with their idiotic assumptions.

"You're one of those girls who think they're too good for people to mess with their hair or touch their purses and clothes and all that stupid bullsh**." Grayson stated, wiping some chili off of his black Ralph Lauren shirt.

"Excuse me?!? I don't think I'm better than everyone else on any level. You don't wanna know what I think of myself. You have no da** right to judge me. Y'all can just shut the he** up and go fu** yourselves!!" I exclaimed, standing up from the table and storming out of the cafeteria.

I don't know what their da** problem is but they need to fix it. It pisses me off that they just assume I think I'm better than everyone else. If they only knew how I feel about who I am, where I come from, my appearance, and my life in general. If they just spent an hour in my shoes, in my mind, they would be terrified and on the edge of breaking down and committing suicide. They have no freakin idea.

"Woah there hulk. What crawled up your pants and died?" Hayden asked, scaring the sh** out of me.

"Leave me alone Hayden. I'm not in the freakin mood." I growled, walking towards my locker.

"Chill out. I just wanted to see what you wanted for dinner."

"What the he** are you talkin about?" I asked, wanting to bang my head against the wall.

"For tonight. I told you if you have to stay outside, then so do I. Maybe Subway. Their frito thing is really good."

"No. You're not comin over. Not tonight. Not tomorrow night. Not ever. Now if you would excuse me, I have a wall to bang my head against."

And with that, I walked off. I really wish Lindsey was here. Her mom came up to the school and got her after fourth period. Apparently she has a dentist appointment this afternoon. If she was here, I would have someone to complain to. I still haven't talked to her about Hayden. I mean, I've mentioned his name once or twice but that's it. There's really not anything to tell. He's just a.......friend I guess. No one special. At least I don't think he's anyone special. I'm still trying to figure things out. Honestly, I don't really know how it feels to have a crush on someone. Hayden gets on my nerves and tends to piss me off but he's also the only person who knows somewhat of my hectic life and he hasn't ran off. Matter of fact, he's just trying to get closer and closer. It's a bit creepy if you ask me.

My phone vibrated, indicating I have a new text.

From: Mr. Cool Kid

'I'm comin tonight. You can't stop me. Pizza it is.'

That boy is so da** stubborn. He seriously irritates the crap out of me sometimes. I sent him a quick reply saying 'Whatever' and then slipped my phone into my pocket. I might as well just go to class. I have nothing better to do.


School ended and I'm currently on a bus filled with snotty nosed kids and a**holes who think it's funny to kick the back of my seat and make disgusting fart noises. People are so immature these days. I turned around and flipped the stupid boys off, letting them know I'm not too happy with them. One of them stopped and ducked his head down. The other one just smirked at me and continued to annoy the sh** out of me. I gave him a 'go to hell' look and turned back around in my seat. Seven agonizing minutes later, the bus finally arrived at my house. I stood up, shoved the idiotic jerks, and got off of that da** bus. When I got inside, I noticed a note on the fridge. It was written in my mothers handwriting.

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