Chapter 8

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I woke up to the sound of a loud bang on my bedroom door. Knowing who it is and what they wanted, I slipped on my house shoes and jogged to the door, afraid of what he's gonna do if I don't get down to the kitchen in time.

"What the he** is taking you so long? Quit being so da** lazy and get your fat a** in the kitchen!! Your mom made a mess this morning and you need to clean it up!!!" He shouted, punching the thin wall beside my bruised face.

"Y-Yes sir." I stuttered, preparing for a hard slap across my face.

Thankfully, he didn't slap me. It's very odd for him not to, but I'm not gonna question it. When I entered the kitchen, my mom was holding a rag and broom. I took it out of her hands and began cleaning this disgusting kitchen. How they manage to tear this place apart in one night is beyond me. My parents were watching my every move, making sure I didn't miss a spot. Finally finished, I ate my breakfast and headed towards the bathroom to take a warm shower. I took off my pajamas, turned on the water, and stepped into the steamy shower. The warm water cascaded down my body, relaxing my tense muscles almost immediately. I squirted some hydration boosting shampoo into my hand along with a split end repairing shampoo. Afrer mixing them together, I placed the repairing shampoo in my hair, massaging it into my scalp so it reaches the roots. Since I have horrible parents, I don't get my hair trimmed once a month like normal people so I have to use two different types of shampoos and conditioners to keep my long hair healthy. Sometimes, I trim it myself but that doesn't really help any. If anything, It makes it worse. After I rinsed it out, I shaved my legs and cleaned the rest of my body. Only taking about fifteen minutes, I finished quicker than normal. I brushed my hair and left it down to dry by itself. I applied deodorant to my under arms and brushed my teeth with whitening toothpaste. I slipped on my pre-damaged blue jeans and a Rolling Stones t-shirt with my blue Vans. I slowly walked out of the bathroom, constantly checking over my shoulder for the evil people lurking around the house. Once I knew I was safe, I ran to my bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I turned on my cellphone and checked my messages and social site notifications. Lindsey told me Good morning along with Grayson. I don't know why he's being so kind to me. I think it may be because he has a small crush on my best friend but with him, you never know. I didn't have any notifications on Facebook or Twitter but I did have one on Instagram.

Haydenm.18 liked your photo.

Why would he like my photo after he left such a rude comment? Curiosity getting the best of me, I sent him a quick message.

To : A**hole

'Why did you like my picture on Instagram?'

A few seconds later, he replied.

'Can't a friend like another friends picture?'

'Since when are we friends?'

'Be in denial all you want babe, but we're friends.'

'You may think you're my friend but I'm not yours. Why would I be friends with someone that's hateful to me every chance they get?'

'Because you love me. You know you can't resist this.'

'Don't be so full of yourself pretty boy. I can and will resist you.'

'We'll see about that.'

'Yeah we will. Go talk to your girlfriend.'

'Someone's turning into a little green monster.'

'I am NOT jealous!!'

'Whatever helps you sleep at night, babe.'

'Quit calling me babe!! Goodbye!!'

I didn't even wait on his reply. I just turned off my phone and stuck it under my pillow. Who does he think he is? He has a rude awakening coming if he thinks I'm jealous of his stupid little girlfriend. I couldn't care less about him or her. We're not friends and never will be. I can't be friends with an a**hole like him! Feeling frustrated, I took out my thick black notebook and began writing. That's the only thing that keeps me sane. When I'm writing, I feel like nothing can hurt me. It's my own version of paradise. Feeling inspired, I wrote a short story; twenty pages front and back. It's about a little girl who is trapped in a basement, fighting for her life. Her parents are handcuffed and tied to a large table beside her. The little girls brother was dealing drugs and ended up bringing his family into it. He was shot and killed right in front of them. His blood splashed all over her, dripping down her forehead. I know it's dark, but that's how I feel; trapped with no way out. Within an hour and a half, I finished the story and headed towards the living room to clean up the mess they made with their lunch.

"Hurry up and clean this. I need you to walk to the store to pick up some bread. If you even talk to one single person, I will break your other ribs. Don't think I won't find out if you do. I have my ways!!" My dad ordered, spitting in my face.

I rushed to clean up. Even if I can't talk to anyone, it's still a little dose of freedom. Some people might think it's dumb for me to get so excited about going to town, but I rarely get to go outside of my house unless it's for school. It's an opportunity for me to see what the world is like outside of school and home. Overjoyed, I ran out of the door as fast as I could, ignoring the shouts from my parents telling me to quit running. I will deal with those consequences later. Right now, I just wanna enjoy what little time of freedom I have.

(A/N I'm sorry for this chapter. I know It's not the best. I will try to make the next one better! Thank you so much for taking your time to read my book! Please vote, comment, and follow! Love you! :D)

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