Chapter 20

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From: Weirdo

'How was school?'

I havn't replied to him yet and I don't think I want to. I can't let him care about me. I'm just gonna bring trouble into his already messed up life. I'm just too much for him to handle. My life is too much for him to handle. Heck, it's almost too much for me to handle. As I took a seat on the hard ground, he text me again.

'So are you just gonna ignore me or what?'

I still didn't reply. If I do, it'll just make him think that I want to talk to him. I do but I know it's a bad idea. It's very tempting to reply. I want to just tell him how my day was. I want to ask him about Mike. I want to ask how his day was. There's so much I want to do but I know I can't. Life is so crappy.

'You're afraid aren't you?'

How does he always know what's running through my head? This time, I replied.

'No. Please just leave me alone. I'm nothin' but trouble.'

'We all have baggage, Adams. How we carry it is what matters. I just want to have a normal conversation for once. Can you not manage that?'

'Nope. Bye Hayden.'

Just texting him gives me butterflies. I hate that. I hate it so freakin' much. I can't like him. I don't like him. Do I?

The sound of leaves and small sticks crunching beneath someone or somethings feet pulled me out of my confusing thoughts. I turned my head towards the location of the sound and my eyes widened in shock. I could feel my lips curve up into a wide smile, even though they didn't have my permission.

"Sup, Adams. Surprised to see me?"

"Yeah. Why are you here?"

"I hate being ignored and I told you I want to have a normal conversation. For starters, why are you out here instead of inside?" Hayden asked, looking at our surroundings.

"Umm....I...My....My parents kind of....kicked me out for a few weeks." I muttered, avoiding his eyes burning into every part of my fragile body.

"They what?!?" He yelled.

"Shhh!! They're sleeping! Don't wake them up or we'll both be six feet under." I whisper yelled, putting my hand over his loud mouth.

The second our skin met, I felt a spark. I know that sounds cliché, but I seriously felt a bolt of lightning travel throughout my body. I yanked my hand back to my side, trying to wipe away the feelings he just gave me. This can't be happening.

"They're your parents, Adams. They shouldn't kick you out in the freakin' cold a** weather."

"Exactly. They're my parents. They don't give a sh** about me. I told you I'm nothin' but trouble. Just leave Hayden. It's for the best."

He didn't say another word. He turned around and went back to where he came from. I let out a deep breath and took a seat. Why in the he** does he think it's okay to just come by my house uninvited? He has some nerve. I should've kicked him in the balls and sent him home. I'm frustrated with him. I'm frustrated with the way he makes me feel and the way he just came waltzing into my life without a warning. Hayden Miller is such a freakin' a**hole.

"Scoot over buttercup."

I jumped about ten feet in the air. That familiar deep voice echoed through the dark night. I shivered just a bit before I turned to my right.

"What the he** do you think you're doing?!? Go away Hayden!! You can't be here!" I shouted, shoving him to the side.

"Shh! You're parents are sleeping." He whispered, unzipping his ocean blue sleeping bag.

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