Chapter 12

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My mind is so jumbled up right now. I didn't know he lived in the same state as me, let alone the same town. He was at the park when I was. He saw me and didn't even stop to say hello? He's more of a jerk than I thought. He was close enough to be able to read the title of my book and see how I look. That's too close for comfort. I have no idea who this 'Hayden' really is. For all I know, he could be some serial killer or rapist. Yeah he says he has a girlfriend and I've seen his Instagram page, but you never know nowadays. If you've ever seen the show catfish, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I've been arguing with myself for the past ten minutes about whether or not I should reply to his menacing text message. If I did reply, what would I say? How do I reply to something like that? Ugh! So many confusing thoughts bombarding my crazy mind. I took a deep breath and started typing a reply.

To: A**hole

'Umm......What the heck are you talking about?'

Was that the right way to reply? I mean, how else was I supposed to? A few seconds later, I felt a short vibration in my hands.

'I'd be careful sitting under those trees. I've heard a few stories about people getting attacked by squirrels at the park.'

Creepy much?

'Were you spying on me or is it normal for you to just stare at random girls in the park?'

What he said next made my heart start racing and my stomach turn into an island full of dragons.

'You're not just some random girl.'

So I wasn't just some random girl to him? No. He has to be messing with me. He has a girlfriend and I will never be able to compete with a girl like her. What am I saying? I don't even want to date this douche bag!

'I don't know anything about you and you don't know anything about me so I am just some random girl. You may think this of me, but I'm not some slut you can play with while your relationship slowly falls to pieces. Don't follow me around. It's just a tad bit creepy dontcha think?'

'I'm not using you! I'm not some stalker either!! You might wanna think twice about how much I know about you, Adams.'

That text is what's causing me to hyperventilate right now. My palms are sweaty, my legs are shaking, I can't seem to catch my breath, and my vision has gone blurry. What does he mean by that? There's no possible way he knows about my parents, right? This day has gone from bad to worse to freakin' horrible! I can never catch a da** break!! I ran my hands through my soft hair and thought of a reply.

'I don't know what you think you know about me but I know it's wrong. You have no clue as to who I am! To the world, I seem like any other teenage girl, but on the inside I'm the definition of broken. I don't have any chance of repair. I'm what people would call a worthless piece of junk. You don't and never will have me figured out so you might as well quit trying ahead of time. You don't wanna know the real me.'

Why do our conversations always end like this? Judging each other until one of us has enough and stops texting? I don't even know this guy and yet, he manages to get under my skin more than anyone else I know. Hayden, if that's even his real name, needs to learn how to take a hint and leave me alone. That's another thing in my life that will never happen though, because it'll make me happy. It seems like the universe isn't too keen on me having a little ounce of happiness in my life. Every time I feel.....less depressed, it gets taken away faster than it came. I just need to face it. I'm never gonna have a normal, care free, happy life.


My parents came home around one in the morning, drunk with no balance or conscious of their abusive minds. I'm used to it. I just lay on my bed, holding my bony knees to my chest. My mom came in and slapped me twice, saying I deserved it for being such a terrible daughter. Apparently, I'm the one that drains out their happiness and 'young spirit' as she called it. I didn't argue. I just nodded my head and closed my eyes tightly so she didn't see the tears trying to escape. If she did, my father would have been called in because I was being a cry baby. It used to happen all of the time when I was little. I eventually learned my lesson and silently cried after I knew they wouldn't be able to hear or see me. I finally fell asleep around four, although I was just woken up by my alarm two hours later. After I done my morning routine, I made my way down to the bus stop. Seeing Lindsey will hopefully lift my spirits. She always seems to brighten my day even though it's always cloudy. She's the sun that peeks out of the dark clouds every now and then. When I stepped onto the bus, my eyes went directly to the smiling girl in the back. Her smile was so huge and contagious. Without even noticing, my lips curled upwards into an actual smile. I don't do this often, but when I do, everyone notices.

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