Chapter 28

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Nick Jonas, Taylor Swift, One Direction, and 5SOS. Their CD'S are AMAZING!!! Just sayin. Okay. Enjoy chapter 28! :)

Read the authors note at the end. It will be in italics.

"Can we leave now? Hayden's waiting on me." I asked, finishing up my meal.

"Yeah. Let me just go to the bathroom real quick." She answered, standing up from her seat and giving us a small smile.

"I still don't and never will approve of you and Hayden being together but I'll push all of our bullsh** to the side so it doesn't get in the way of the growing friendship we have." Grayson stated, avoiding eye contact.

Approve? Since when do I need his approval?

"I don't need your da** approval and we're not together. We're just friends." I replied, playing with my sweater.

"But you will be together, Chloe. I can see it in your eyes when you're talkin about him or even just the mention of his name. Your whole face lights up. I'm not stupid. Everyone can see it but you."

"Whatever. What happened between Mike and him?"

Grayson tensed up as soon as I asked the question that's been bothering me for ages.

"Uh..just ask Hayden. It's not my business to tell."

"But it's okay for you to boss me around?"

"I'm not bossing you around. I'm just watching out for you."

"I don't need you to-"

"Okay everyone. Let's get her to Haydens." Lindsey smiled, grabbing her keys out of her pocket.

I love knowing Grayson cares about me but I don't need him to watch out for me. I don't need anyone to do anything for me. I can take care of myself. I have been my whole life. My parents abuse me but I'm the one that keeps myself under control. I stop myself from taking my own life. I cover up my bruises and cuts. I keep myself alive. I'm not gonna start depending on someone else to do it for me. That's not who I am and I'll be da**ed if I ever turn into that kind of person.

We all got into her car and sped off to Haydens. Lindsey had the music turned down to a low volume so we could hear each other talk. Well, I wasn't participating in the conversation. My mind is too busy with the thoughts of seeing Hayden and my stomach is too busy with the butterflies that are swarming around, nervous about what Hayden and I might become. Do I want us to be something more? Am I ready for such a big step? I'm afraid of us becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't want him to get hurt and I'm afraid that I might lose him once he figures out just how cruel my parents are. I've told him a few stories but I never went into detail and he's only heard half of it. What will he do when he finds out I'm abused every single day and I've been abused since the day I was born? Will he run away and forget about little ol' me? I'm starting to believe I over think things.

"We're here. Have fun but not too much fun." Lindsey winked, grinning at me.

I rolled my eyes at her perverted self and waved goodbye, feeling the whole da** zoo in my stomach.

I took a deep breath, straightened out my clothes, fixed my hair, and slowly started walkin up to his front door. You can do this Chloe. Just act normal. What am I talkin about? How am I supposed to act normal when I'm far from it? Before I could back out and walk home, Hayden opened the door and brung me into a bone crushing hug.

"Hey babe. Beginning to think you weren't gonna show." He laughed, sending my heart pounding out of my poor chest.

"I-I'm here." I stuttered, smiling at the ground like the idiot I am.

"I see that." He laughed, smirking at me.

When we got inside and into the living room, Hayden started checking me out. His eyes were melting me, looking at me from head to toe. I felt a little uncomfortable underneath his gaze but I also felt special because he was looking at me in that...caring way. Actually, there was something else filling his eyes. I can't really make clear of what it is tho. Whatever it is, I think I like it.

"You look so fu**in beautiful Chloe." He smirked, walking closer to me.

"R-Really?" I squirmed under his eyes, not being able to control my feelings anymore.

"Of course. Those leggings......They do your body wonders." He smirked, biting his bottom lip.

Oh gosh. He shouldn't have done that. My knees are gonna give in at any second. Calm yourself Chloe.

He's just a few inches away from me now. We were staring into each others eyes, not being able to look away. In this very moment, all of my worries and stress about Hayden and I are slowly fading away into the back of my mind. For once, I'm not thinking about anything but what's happening right now.

"Your hair, makeup, clothes....... everything about you is gorgeous. You're an amazing girl. You have such a beautiful heart and I know you're not gonna want to hear this but, you are all I want. I want to call you mine, I want to hold you in my arms, I want to give you the life you deserve. We've known each other for a few months now and Chloe......I-I-I think I'm in love with you. You should be kissed every day, every hour, and every minute. Let me be the guy to do that for you. Let's grow old together and have the life we've both dreamed of having."

Someone call 911. I'm about to have a heart attack. My heart is pounding so fast right now. It's getting hard to breathe. This can't be happening. He can't love me. I'm broken. I'm just some stupid girl that's had a rough life. Why does he want me to be his? He can't. It's impossible. This has to be some sick joke. Ashton Kutcher is probably hiding behind the couch as we speak.

"Chloe please say something." He whispered, wrapping his hands around my arms.

I said the only thing my brain could register at the moment.

"What happened between you and Mike?"

His arms fell, his face turned a ghost white, and he backed away from me. Is it that bad?

"Uhh....I don't wanna talk about that right now." He stated, itching the back of his neck.

"Why? Do you not trust me?"

"No I do but....I-I....I'm afraid that once I tell you, you'll leave and want nothing to do with me." He mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear.

"Hayden, seriously? If you aren't leaving because of my life, why would I leave because of yours? That makes no sense."

"Mine is more complicated than yours. I've done a lot of stuff Chloe and I don't want it to scare you."

"Why would it scare me? I'm not easily scared. Please Hayden. I want to know what happened. It's causing problems between my friends and I."

"See? That's why I don't want to tell you! It's already causing you problems! I can't Chloe! Please don't make me tell you." He begged, looking at me with adorable puppy dog eyes.

"I'm not gonna make you do anything. If you don't wanna tell me, I understand but I just want you to know I'm here for you and I won't judge you." I stated, flashbacks of our conversations earlier in our friendship appearing.

I smiled at the thought. We used to hate each other. Now look at us. He just professed his unending love for me.

"Okay." He sighed. "Come sit on my lap." He ordered, patting his legs.

I followed his orders and looked up at him, uncertain of his motives.

"You ready for this looong story of my past, the person I was two years ago?"

I nodded my head, waiting for him to begin his story.

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Btw, there's gonna be about 33-35 chapters plus an epilogue so just about 5-7 chapters left. Oh and I used a quote in this chapter. The first person to figure out what it is and who said it/wrote it gets a shout out and follow! Thanks! :)

Also, if I made an Instagram or twitter account for my books, would you follow it? And if so, which one? Instagram or Twitter? Or both?

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