Chapter 30

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3 days. That's how long it's been since Hayden and I first kissed. My mind and body exploded by his gentle touch and the passion behind his kiss. I could feel the want, need, and the care he has for me every time our lips connected. I didn't and still don't really know how to kiss, you know since I've never been kissed before. I tried doing what I've seen in movies and on t.v. shows but I felt like I was such a bad kisser. Hayden said that I was great, but practice makes perfect. I don't know if that's his way of saying I suck or his way of having make out sessions with me..... I jusy hope that I can please him the way he pleases me.

My parents are at work and I just got home from school around an hour ago. Hayden is comin over so he can help me write my speech. I still don't understand what in the he** was going through their minds when they chose me to be the valedictorian. I'm honored but it's a lot of work representing your class and coming up with an encouraging but somewhat humorous speech for graduation. Hayden says that it will be a piece of cake, but what does he know? He's never done anything remotely similar to this. Apparently, I look cute when I'm stressed and he doesn't want to miss the look on my face when I'm writing the ridiculous speech. What an a**hole.

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and warm lips kiss my neck. Chills crept down my spine and I couldn't help but shiver at his relaxing touch. His minty breath tickled my neck, causing me to giggle.

"What's so funny?" He asked, spinning me around so we're face to face.

"Your breath tickled me." I stated, shrugging my shoulders.


He pulled me closer to him, if that's even possible. His mouth was dangerously close to mine. My nerves were skyrocketing.

"When y-you were kissing my neck." I finally managed to reply, melting as he smirked at me.

"Like this?" He asked, kissing down my jawline and to my neck, biting and sucking my skin.

"Um... Not quite like that." I giggled, moving my neck so he could have better access.

He kissed his way back up to my jawline, just a few centimeters away from my mouth. I felt his eyes on me, smirking at the reaction he got from his actions. I wrapped my arms around his neck and brung him closer to me, making his lips crash into mine. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I researched how to french kiss. I know. That's really nerdy, but I want to impress him.

I spread open my lips, allowing him to explore my mouth with his tongue. He tasted like mints and vinalla. It made me eager to deepen the kiss. Our tongues were colliding, fighting for dominance. I attempted to do this trick with my tongue that I read about on google. I guess I did it right because he let out a very sexy moan and gripped my waist, almost touching my a**. I started playing with his hair, tugging at it a little bit. He smiled into the kiss and lifted me up off of the ground, forcing my legs around his waist, my ankles connecting with each other so I wouldn't fall. He brung us over to his sleeping bag and gently laid me on it, placing my head on the pillow. We continued to kiss, only stopping to gasp for air. I felt his cold hands slide under my shirt, rubbing circles on my stomach. I gasped as he made his way up to my boobs, squeezing them. No matter how good it felt, I had to stop him. This is going too far.

I pushed him off of me, fixing my shirt and hair.

"What's wrong?" He asked, worry swirling around in his beautiful eyes.

"Nothing. I just don't want to go fast. I mean, we just moved up a level three days ago. We're not gonna have sex any time soon. He**, we're not even dating, just makin out from time to time." I stated, trying not to push him away but at the same time, trying to stop him from moving any further.

"Oh. Okay. That's fine. I respect you Chloe. I wasn't planning on having sex with you right now anyways. Just havin a little fun." He smirked, kissing my forehead.

I blushed, embarrassed from the previous things we were doing and the idea of us doing anything else besides kiss.

"You're so da** adorable." He grinned, laying down beside me.

I blushed again and just laid my head down on his chest, listening to his heart beat. Nothing relaxes me more then being in his arms. I feel so safe when I'm with him. Even without labels, I know what we have is something special. I can't deny it any longer. I like Hayden. A lot. I might just be setting myself up for a major heartbreak but honestly, I don't care. I don't give a sh** anymore. I'm gonna start thinking about what I want, not thinking about what my parents will do to me. They're always gonna beat me; I can't stop them. But I can live my life like they don't exist. I'm tired of being stepped on. I'm not gonna let them abuse me without fighting anymore. I won't hit them back physically, but I'm not gonna give them the satisfaction of knowing they hurt me. I'll force the best smile this world has ever seen and make them believe what they do to me has no affect. If they kill me, at least I'll die fighting and knowing I fell in love with my other half.

This new kind of thinking has me in such a good mood. I crawled over onto Haydens lap and kissed him passionately on the lips, giving him my heart and showing him how I feel about us in the way my tongue explores his mouth. I can't say the words but I can show him how I feel. I hope it's enough. I'm just too afraid to say it all out loud, not wanting to hear his rejection. It would shatter me to pieces.

"What was that for?" He smirked, playing with my hands.

"I don't give a da** about what my parents might do to me anymore. I don't want anything but to have you in my life. You keep me under control and relaxed. I feel safe with you Hayden." I said, blushing immensely.

"I'm not going anywhere baby. I'm always gonna be here with you." He reassured me, leaning in for a small, gentle kiss on the lips.

I smiled down at him and stood up, ready to get the stupid speech over with.

We worked for five hours straight. Of course, being the crazy people we are, we had a few breaks to make out and play ridiculous games Hayden thought would be fun. We always ended up arguing about pointless things and laughing at how stupid we are. I enjoyed every second of it. I was starting to feel like a better version of myself. Chloe 2.0 as I like to say.

My speech is surprisingly pretty great. Hayden really helped. I couldn't have done it without him. I couldn't have done anything without him. He brings out the confidence and fighter in me. With him by my side, I know I can be happy. It scares the sh** out of me though. He has this power of me and if he ever decides to leave, he's gonna take my heart and soul with him. I will be broken and I won't be able to fight anymore. If my parents don't kill me, I'll probably kill myself. But for now, he's here. He's with me and I'm not gonna let anyone take him from me. Without realizing it, I fell in love with Hayden Miller and I don't give a da** about what anyone has to say. This is my life and I can do whatever the fu** I want with it.

(A/N Vote, comment, and follow! Shout out to @singer2014 for voting! You're amazing babe! Love y'all! Thanks for reading! :D)

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