Chapter 11

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"What's wrong with her face?"

"She looks like crap."

"Her face is black and blue."

"Does she cut herself?"

Those are just a few of the whispers I've been hearing as I walked through the school hallways. Of course, the bruises haven't faded enough to where they're not noticeable. My face is a dark shade of black and blue. So far, no one's actually asked what happened but it's bound to come up. I have to go to class with Grayson and lunch with Lindsey. Those two are like Sherlock Holmes when it comes to this kind of stuff. No matter what it takes, they will figure out what's going on. They are the high schools detectives which is another reason Lindsey believes they are sould mates. It's just complete nonsense to me. I don't believe in soul mates. I would like to but with the world we're living in and the people surrounding us, it's hard to think there is someone out there for each and every one of us. Some of the young teachers were even looking at me with curiosity. I just feel like digging a hole and hiding in it until I felt like life was worth living again. I wish I was Alice right now. I want to meet a rabbit that will lead me to a hole where I will find a beautiful but a little weird new world full of bizarre creatures and talking plants. Chloe In Wonderland......I like it. A familiar voice calling my name pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Chloe!! Chloe!! Wait up!" Lindsey yelled from the end of the hallway, earning a few disapproving looks from the teachers and a few students.

Obeying my strange friend, I stopped in the middle of the hallway and waited patiently for her to reach me. Students were shoving me left and right to get me out of their way but I don't really give a flying fudge right now. I'm already having a crappy day. If they don't want me to blow up on them, they better leave me the heck alone. Today is not the day to mess with me.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you! Why didn't you ride the bus this morning? I missed my seat buddy! I had to sit with a snotty nosed loser from the 4th grade! It was the worst ride of my life." She stated, putting her right hand over her heart, pretending to cry. She is so dramatic.

"I wanted to get some exercise." I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"Well I don't approve! You should have text me and let me know you weren't gonna ride the bus."

"I know. I've just been distrac-" I said before she rudely interrupted me.

"Why is your face so bruised up?? What happened?? Oh my gosh!! Chloe are you okay??" She asked worriedly, bringing her hands to my face.

I winced as she grazed over my bruises. How am I supposed to answer that? I can't tell her the truth but I don't know what else I'm supposed to say. This is so freaking screwed up.

"I-I umm.....I ran into the freezer when my dad opened it. He had a crappy day at work so he.....he was mad and he used a lot of-of force when he opened it." I lied, trying my best to make it believable.

She examined my face trying to make sure I was telling the truth. She does this a lot. I always fake my expressions. Especially the look in my eyes. I hide my depression and pain behind the artificial smile and fictitious happiness I put up every day. For someone who is supposed to know when I'm lying and unhappy, she sure does fail at her job but I don't blame her. The first day I met her I was pretending to be someone the complete opposite of who I actually am. I just wanted to make new friends and try to make a better life for myself. Lindsey was oblivious to my alter ego so she instantly became my best friend. When we first met, I presented myself as an outgoing, rich, girly girl who loved talking about hot guys and doing my nails. I slowly let my true self- well part of my true self- come out of it's shell. I started dialing down my excitement over every little thing, I stopped talking to her in a high pitched voice, I stopped pretending I was some rich barbie doll and she still loved me. I told her I wanted to change who I was and she accepted it. Lindsey says she likes this part of me better. The dark, secretive, mysterious, quiet, and weird teenage girl who has not so rich parents and values every thing she owns. Sometimes I annoy her with my secretive ways hence the need for her to be a detective.

"Alright. I'll let you slide this time but the next time I see you like this, I will not give up. I'll figure out what's going on with you."

And I believed every word that came out of her mouth. That scares the living daylights out of me. She cannot know what goes on after school.

I smiled and nodded my head. She continued talking to me but I zoned her out after the first word. Why do I have to live my life like this? It's not fair.


After school, I walked home instead of taking the bus. I have a lot on my mind and I'm hoping to see Jennifer, Kevin, Kelsey, and Tiny at the park. My parents are going to the bar right after work so they won't be home until midnight or later. They didn't tell me this. I over heard them talking about it this morning. They were trying to whisper but they're horrible at that. That gives me time to visit with the kind family and play on my phone without having to watch over my shoulder. Sadly, when I finally reached the park, they weren't there. Instead of just going home, I took a walk around the park. There was some girls around the age of 14, I'm guessing, on their phones laughing loudly underneath a tall tree. They look so happy and free. If only that was me. I took out my phone and started taking pictures of the trees, flowers, water fountains, and a few people enjoying their day. I even posted one on Instagram and put "Relaxing at the park" as the caption. I received a few likes within the first few seconds of posting it. After taking pictures, I sat underneath a weeping willow tree and took out a book from my school bag. I went to the library at lunch to avoid being seen for a little bit. I checked out a few books but the one I'm really eager to read is The Hobbit. I've seen the movie before but I want to read about it. They always leave out important details in movies. From the very first page I was interested. I sat there and read for about an hour or so before I decided to head home. This was the upside to my day. I love this park. I feel so at peace when I'm here. Maybe if I don't get caught, this will be my new place to come collect my thoughts and relax.

When I got home, I heard voices coming from the living room and started panicking. Why are they here? They're not supposed to be home yet!! I started losing my breath and felt dizzy. What am I gonna do? I'm 2 hours later than I should be. Knowing them, I'll end up with broken bones and cuts all over my body. Oh my gosh! I can't breathe. I decided to just man up and take my punishment. There's no need to dwell on it. I'll just end up having a panic attack. I tiptoed to the living room, being as quiet as possible. I peeked around the corner and was relieved when I realized all I heard was the tv. My idiotic parents just left the tv on this morning. I let out a long breath and took a seat on the comfy couch. My heart was still pounding, ready to jump right out of my chest. I can't believe how scared I got from thinking they were home. I was literally just a few minutes away from having a panic attack. I got onto music tube and put my music on shuffle. Paradise City by Guns N' Roses came on and I tightly closed my eyes. I got up and walked to my room. I crashed onto my bed and just laid there thinking about everything going on in my insane life. Just when I was about to take a quick nap, my phone let out a little chirp. I held my phone above my face and read the message.

From: Jerk off

'You looked nice today. Btw, The Hobbit is one of my favorite books.'

What the heck?

(A/N Yes. I know it's short but it was a little hard for me to write. I will make the next chapter longer. Pinky promise! :) Okay... I need y'alls help with something. Should I write a chapter in Haydens P.O.V or should I just keep it strictly in Chloes P.O.V.? PLEASE tell me your opinion! It will be much appreciated!! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow! Love you guys! :D)

P.S If you haven't read my book The Players BestFriend please do so! :)

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