Chapter 22

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Haydens P.O.V

I watched her chest rise and fall in a very calm manner, her breathing pattern becoming music to my ears. She seems so at ease and peaceful when she's sleeping. I just wish she was like this all of the time. I hate seeing her look over her shoulder every five seconds. I hate how she's constantly closing off any future friendships and pushing everyone away. Her demonic parents did this to her. They deserve a life full of torture, getting everything they ever did to Chloe reversed back onto them. I will ruin their lives. They're going to regret ever mistreating that beautiful girl. I will make da** sure of it.

She turned over, wrapping her small arms around me. I smiled, pushing a small strand of hair that had fallen out of place behind her ear. She let out an adorable snore and scratched her nose. God what this girl does to me. She is so oblivious. I've been dropping subtle hints of my crush on her. She's different from any other girl I've ever dated. Not just because she's...abused, but because she can do the smallest things and have me weak at the knees. I've fallen hard for Chloe Adams. I hope she feels the same about me. Maybe not now, but eventually I hope I'll be able to call her mine.

Just a few short hours later and I'm awakened by the bright sun. I let out a loud groan, stretching my lazy body. I peeked over my shoulder, smiling at the site in front of me. Chloe had her mouth slightly open, drooling just a bit. Her hair was a mess and her shirt was exposing her tiny stomach. I thought it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I may sound like a pu**y, but that's what she does to me. She brings out a side to me I never knew existed. I slowly stood up, wiping the gunk from my eyes. I made sure I didn't make any noise. I don't wanna wake sleeping beauty over there. After successfully sneaking away, I went to the nearest donut shop and ordered a dozen donuts, 2 cappuccinos, 2 croissants, 2 éclairs, and 4 small pigs in a blanket. That should be enough. I paid the Korean looking man and exited the shop. I hopped into my truck and drove back to Chloe's, listening to The Rolling Stones on the way. I tapped my finger on the steering wheel along with the beat of the song. Before I knew it, I arrived at her small house, parking just a few yards away. I noticed a tall muscular man standing at the front door. From the looks of it, he looks like a body builder. Curious, I walked up to him. He glared at me, anger swirling around in his evil eyes. Could this be her dad?

"Uh.. Hello. Who are you and why are you just standing on their doorstep?" I asked, a litle afraid.

For all I know he could be a da** murderer.

"More importantly, who the he** are you?" He asked, spitting on my shoe.

No one spits on my shoe.

"First of all, don't spit on my da** shoe. Second of all, I asked you first. And third of all, I don't know who you're trying to impress but those so called muscles of yours look faker than that mustache on your face." I stated, taking a step closer to him.

He looked me in the eyes and spit on my shoe again. That did it. I lost all control of my anger. I attempted to punch him but he caught my fist and twisted my arm around, bringing it underneath my shoulder blades. I winced, but still kept up my tough guy demeanor. I kneed him in the balls, sending him face first to the ground. He groaned, putting his hands over the sore spot. I laughed, using his pain as an advantage.

"I'm gonna ask you for the last time, who are you and why are you here?" I asked, looking down on him.

"That's none of your da** business." He said, in between coughs.

"It is when the girl that lives here happens to be my friend."

He looked up at me with widened eyes. He looked surprised and shocked.

"Y-Your what? You're tellin me that worthless Chloe is your friend? Oh the boss is gonna have a field day with this one." He grinned, taking out his phone.

That's when I realized he was working for Chloes dad. What in the he** did I just do?

"Chloe? I don't know a Chloe. This is the uhh...the Dukes residents right?" I asked, saying the first name that came to mind.

I remembered the name from a movie I watched yesterday. The Dukes of Hazzard. I sure would love to have me a General Lee.

"I wasn't born yesterday. I know you're friends with Chloe. She's an idiot who can't keep her da** legs closed."

I don't know what came over me but I punched him in the nose, blood oozing out of it. I kicked him in the balls one last time and walked off. I've gotta get Chloe out of here some how. She can't stay here with people like this around her. She's gonna end up in the hospital or worse. I shuddered at the thought. I won't let it get that far.

This is going to stop.

Chloes P.O.V.

I hear noises coming from the front of the house. Fear rushes through my veins. So many bad sceneries make their way to my mind, filling my thoughts with their negativity. I tightly close my eyes, trying to push away the panic rising in my frail body. Suddenly there's a tap on my shoulder. I jump about ten feet in the air. Hayden laughs at my lack of balance, handing me a bag full of delicious smelling food. I don't hesitate to snatch it out of his hands. I open the bag and grab one of everything, stuffing whatever can fit into my mouth.

"You can eat more than my Uncle Ben on thanksgiving." He giggled, taking a seat beside me.

I glared at him, not planning to stop eating any time soon. I took a closer look at him, noticing some blood on a few of his knuckles. I furrowed my eyebrows, curious as to what happened.

"Hayden, why is there blood on your knuckles?" I asked, taking his hand in mine and examining it.

"Oh....ummm.....well you see.....I saw a man standing at your front door and I umm.....I kind of....uh...."

"Spit it out Hayden." I stated, talking between my clenched teeth.

This story better not be going in the direction I'm thinking of.

"I kind of kicked him in the balls twice and punched his nose after he didn't tell me why he was here and he called you a slut." He stated, making it sound like one long run on sentence.

"Hayden what in the he** is wrong with you?!? You just murdered both of us!! Congratulations!!!!!!" I exclaimed, pushing him to the ground.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know who he was and I was just trying to protect you!"

"Well don't! I already told you, you can't protect me so stop trying!! Leave now Hayden and I swear if you come back, I will kill you myself!!" I yelled, doing everything I can to get him out of here.

What did he just do?

(A/N Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Just to let you know this isn't just a romantic story. It's a story of how a girl being abused makes her own way in life and overcomes the obstacles being thrown at her. There is romance but that's not all this story is about. Okay well plllleeeeeeaaaassssseeeeee be amazing readers and comment! That would make my day! And if you want to be really generous, vote and follow! Love you so much! :D)

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