Chapter 35 - Part Two

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"So what are you wearing for graduation? Like under your cap and gown?" Lindsey asked as we all walked to the student parking lot.

"I don't know. Some jeans and a t-shirt." I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"What? No! You have to wear a dress. I mean, all of the girls are!" She shouted, widening her eyes at me.

"I don't own any dresses. Well any worthy of something like this."

"I'll buy you one. Seriously Chloe, you absolutely have to wear a dress." She smiled, grabbing my shoulders, stopping me from going any further.

"I can't go shopping. My parents want me to come home now. I'm sorry. Thanks for offering though." I kindly denied her offer, leaning my head on Haydens shoulder.

"Nope. You don't get away that easy. I'll go buy you one with Grayson. Since we're dating now, he has to say yes." She smirked, winking at Grayson.

He just smiled at her and kissed her cheek. It was the sweetest thing. I had a cheeky grin plastered on my face.

"Whatever you want Lindsey. It's your money."

"Good. You're going to love it. Come an hour early to graduation so I can get you all dolled up." She smiled, walking away with Graysons hand in hers.

"I don't know how I'm gonna make it through the night." Hayden said, smirking at me.

"What do you mean?"

"You're gonna look sexy. How am I supposed to keep my hands off of you?"

I blushed and smiled. "You can manage if I can with you in that suit."

"After graduation, you and I are going to find a cheap motel and spend the night together, worry free." He grinned, kissing me quickly on the lips. Too quick in my opinion.

"I wish we could but my parents are gonna be home. I can't stay the night some where. After graduation, I have to go home with them. Sadly, they're coming just to make sure I don't try to run away or make plans for my 'future'. I hate this Hayden but whatever celebrating we're gonna do, it has to be the hour we get before graduation."

"What? I thought you said we could celebrate after graduation." He said, disappointment written everywhere.

"I know. And I thought we could but my parents called the school and said they're coming to the graduation ceremony so 'I can't do anything against their rules'."

"Well that's just great. I really wanted to spend the night alone with you."

"I'm sorry babe." I apologized, kissing his cheek.

"It's not your fault. There's nothing to apologize for. Let's just take advantage of the time we have."

"Alright." I agreed, smiling even though I'm torn on the inside.


"So you're da** graduation is tonight huh?" My mom asked, handing me her dirty clothes to wash.

"Yeah." I replied quietly, taking the clothes to the old washer.

"What are your plans after graduation? Since you're 18 now you can legally leave us."

"What do you mean? You both said I couldn't leave, that I would be your slaves for the rest of my life." I stated, confused.

"I know. I figured you would try to run away."

I tensed at her statement, felling like she's been reading my mind.

"N-No. I know if I attempted to leave, dad would kill me and you would just watch as the life drained out of me."

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