Chapter 41

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Today is the day.

My parents leave for vacation in just a few hours. They're completely unaware of my intentions and I hope it stays that way. Obviously, they're not leaving without a bang. Meaning I'm gonna get a few new bruises today, possibly a broken bone. Nothing new.

Hayden and I have been texting all day, well whenever I'm able to hide from my parents, of course. He's sent over twenty selfies of him making stupid faces and I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I was almost caught once, but they just yelled at me for making ridiculous noises. They've been packing since this morning. I was shocked when they told me not to touch anything, that they wanted to do it themselves. My mom said it was because they didn't want my 'filthy hands' all over their stuff. Either way, I couldn't care less. Less work for me to do. And after today, they can no longer tell me what to do.

"Chloe, get your a** down here!!!" My mother yelled from the kitchen.


I quickly ran out of my room and straight to the kitchen. My mom was standing with her hands on her hips, an annoyed look etched onto her face. I shyly stood in front of her, rocking back and forth on my heels.

"You know what's fixing to happen, right?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Yes ma'am." I replied, trying not to seem so nervous.

"Go to the back yard. Your father is waiting for you." She stated with no emotion. "Oh and Chloe?"


"If you would've just been the child we wanted, you wouldn't have to deal with this every day."

I nodded my head, assuring her that I've always known I wasn't the child they wanted and I never will be.

I gradually walked outside, dreading what's about to happen. You can get through this Chloe. Just a few more hours until you're free.

"'Bout da** time!!! Get your stupid a** over here!!" He shouted, taking out a whip.

I flinched as he whipped the table beside him, the sound creating goosebumps on my arms and shivers to travel up my spine.

"I hate you! I hate that you're alive and that we've been keeping you alive! You're just taking up space and a waste of our time! You're a whore, an ugly one at that!! Why we've kept you alive this long, I don't know. But it's about time that ends, don't ya think?" He asked, smirking at me.

I widened my eyes and felt my heart sink to my stomach. Is this it? Is this the end?

He inched closer and closer to me, his smirk growing wider with each step. I swallowed the lump in my throat as he was just a mere centimeter away from me. He slapped me not once, not twice, but three times before I started to feel the migraine form. I lost my balance after he punched me in the stomach. I groaned as I hit the hard ground, continually being kicked by my father. I felt blood drip from my mouth as black dots consumed my vision.

The last thing I saw was the man who I believed to be the devil, reaching for the whip as I felt a sharp pain travel through my body.


Life after death.

I've always pictured it as being pain free, not feeling any sadness or the aches taking over your body. I never thought it would feel like this, where every part of your corpse felt as if it was crushed. I don't how long I've been like this, but the pain in my head has intensified beyond what I can bear. It's the worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life, and I've endured a lot of pain over the years.

I knew I would die eventually, but I was hoping it wouldn't be before I could get a hold on my life. Obviously, someone had another plan. My father took my life, he finally went through with it this time. I can't even grasp this right now. I'll never get to grow old with Hayden or become a published author. I'll never get to have kids and raise them the way I've always dreamed of being raised. I'll never get to have the life I deserve.

"Chloe? Oh sh**!! Chloe!!! Baby, wake up, please!! You can't do this to me!!"

Where is that voice coming from? Who's speaking to me and how in the he** can I hear them?

"Please, Chloe. I'm begging you to wake up!!"

I felt a pair of hands shake my shoulders, a few tears dropping on to my face. I slowly shook my head, peeking through my eyes. I saw a tall figure hovering over me, holding a phone to their ear.

"H-Hayden?" I choked out, leaning on my elbows.

"Chloe?!?! You-You're awake!!!" He cheered, bringing me into his arms.

"I am? I'm not dead?" I asked, feeling very puzzled.

"No, thank God!!! I was so worried!! I love you so da** much!!!"

I stood up and took a few steps back, a little frightened. He didn't kill me? He let me live? Why? Is he gonna come back later to finish what he started?

A piercing pain shot through my head, making me fall to the ground.

"What's wrong? What happened?!?" Hayden asked, rushing to my side.

"My head is killing me!! It hurts so freakin bad!!!" I yelled, grabbing onto Hayden for support.

"We've gotta get you to the hospital!"

"No!! Don't take me to the da** hospital Hayden! I've done told you I don't wanna go there. Just take me to the hotel room and I'll take some medicine." I commanded, walking away from him and towards the car parked in my driveway.

Hayden trailed behind, trying to stop me from walking so fast. I just shoved him away and opened the passenger side door. He sighed and opened his door, jumping into the seat and starting his car. We drove off, neither of us making a sound. It was a bit uncomfortable. I thought I was dead, and now I'm alive on my way to the hotel room I share with my boyfriend. It's overwhelming and I still can't really latch on to the idea of being able to run away.

I'm done with my parents. I'm done with the life I once had. I'm done being the depressed, abused, and lonely girl. I'm going to become the real me, figure out who I am and what I want to do with my life. I'm no longer under their control.

I'm free.

(A/N SHE'S FREE!!! :D Please vote and comment! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed chapter 41! I figured I would update earlier than planned. I'll be updating Wednesday, too! Love you! :D)

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