2 (Edited)

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Alyssa's Pov

"IT REALLY HAPPENED!" Alex yelled for the thousandth time. "Okay, okay! I believe you!" I said and dropped down on the couch.

"By the way, Felix called for you earlier-" "WHAT?!" I bounced off the couch. "What did he say? What did you say? You better tell me. Tell me now or I swear I'll-"

"Okay, okay. He asked for you. I said you were still sleeping. He was just like 'oh, tell her to meet at XXX Cafè today at nine' and I said okay. Then he hung up." She explained.

My eyes widened. "What time is it!?" I yelled. "Eight" she said. "Good, atleast i have an hour to get ready." I said and got up then went to my room and took a shower then brushed my teeth.

I wore a pink top and short blue jeans with black and white converse and left my (h/c) hair down then left the apartment. I walked down the road and crossed the street and stood in front of the cafè.

I breathed in.

Okay, lets do this

I breathed out and entered the cafè. I checked the time.

Just in time

As I walked in I saw someone that looked like him with a mask on.

He saw me and waved at me. I smiled and walked up to him and sat in front of him. "Hi." I said. "Hi."

"What would you like?"

"Umm..." I read the menu. Thank pooptarts there was an English section, I can't read Hangul that good. "Strawberry banana smoothie." I said. "Okay."

After ordering he sat down again and handed me one. I sipped some (tae). "So, why'd you want to meet me here?" I asked. "Umm.." he smiled nervously.


"I just wanted to meet you properly. I mean, I love our fans. I guess I just wanted to become friends with one, I guess. Y'know, one that isn't a sasaeng." He explained. I nodded.

"So..why me?" I asked confused. "Well, I saw you and you seemed like an interesting person so why not?"

"What if I was an undercover sasaeng?" I joked. He chuckled then his faced turned serious. "Are you?" He asked. I laughed at his expression.

"No. I was just joking around with you." I said.

He laughed again.

"So, you debuted so aren't you supposed to be like practising or something?" I asked. "Well..yeah. But we have a few days or weeks to our self."

"Oh, okay." I said. It was silent for a while. "So, did you watch our debut stage?" He asked. "UH! YEAH!" I exclaimed. He chuckled at my reaction.

"It was awesome. Like AWE. SOME. The song is so cool. My favourite part of your song was "why are you talking like you know me though I don't even know myself". Haha. So cool!"

He laughed, "I know right."

"On a scale of one to ten how nervous were you?" I asked. He laughed again, "probably like one million haha. But it was fun. And cool as you said." He smiled.

I smiled back and he checked the time. "oh, I should probably get going. I'll walk you home." He said and both of us stood up. "No, I'm good. I don't live far from here." I said.

"No, I insist." He said and smiled. I smiled and nodded.

We walked to the apartment in comfortable silence. When we reached there I thanked him. "No problem. Enjoy the rest of your day. We should meet again." He said and I nodded. "We should" i replied.

Then I wondered something-

"Wait was this..a date?" The words came out before I could stop them. He chuckled at my wide eyes.

"If you want it to be" he said and pecked my cheek then winked and walked off. He turned around and smiled one last time before putting his mask back on.



"OMG!" Alex screamed.

"I saw everything! Just make sure that before you guys get married you let me meet Han."

Yup, she's in love with Han Jisung.

"Can we go in now?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure." She said and entered the apartment.

Today actually happened

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