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Lee Felix's POV

I ran down the street to Alyssa's apartment with my mask on the next day.

I'm actually gonna stay with her

I finally reached her door and knocked. More like Banged (Bang Bang Bang) until she finally opened the door. I quickly pulled a 'sad' façade. She looked suprised then her face softened when she realised my 'mood'.

"Felix? Whats wrong?" She grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. "He ... "

"Said we can't?" She asked looking at me with hurt. That made me feel so guilty. " .... nah" i bursted out laughing and she stared at me with wide eyes. "Lee Felix!!" She yelled and smacked my chest.

I smiled and dropped back on her couch. "So what'd he actually say?" She sat next to me. I wrapped one of my arms around her shoulder and pulled her closer to me. I pecked her cheek and told her what he said and she looked like a kid that finally got on summer break.


"Can we go out?"

The next day!

(I lost track of the days so its two days away from Semester/term(whatever you call it) Break and its Sunday)

Alyssa's POV

I rolled out of my bed and checked the time on my phone. "10:00 am" i groaned and walked clumsily to the bathroom. That walk included me tripping over a few things.

After doing my morning routine i grabbed my phone that was ringing.


Accept / Decline

(A/n i keep changing the way the convos on the phone are so pls forgive me this one is temporary until i figure out how i want it)


Mom: Ali!!


Hows it in Korea?

Good ...

I still haven't told her about Felix. Maybe I should tell her now.

Just good?

Really, Allison Park, do you really think i'd fall for that?

Allison is not my real name, she justs calls me that when she's trying prove a point or when she doesn't believe me.

I don't know ...

Tell me

Okay, fine....



I'm sorry, what was that?

I'm not repeating that mom

Whats his name? Whats his age? Is he cute? Where does he live? Is he korean? What-

Mom, his name is Lee Felix, he's seventeen, yes he's cute, and about where he l-

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