15 (Edited)

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I rung the doorbell and Chan opened the door smiling at me.



We hugged each other tightly for a while. "I missed yoouu!" Jisung suddenly appeared next to Chan, scaring the roses out of me.

"I missed youuu too!" I hugged him and soon all the boys except Felix were there.

I walked in with them next, behind or in front of me. "Are you hungry?" Chan asked.



Chan yelled.

"I'm literally right here." Changbin rolled his eyes.

"Hey." Felix said hugging me.

"Hi," I faintly said.

Okay so what that backstabbing, good for nothing-

Shut up Ally, she's your friend.

Oh yeah. I forgot.

How could you forget she's your bestfriend.

How could YOU forget that you like Felix.

Shut up. I do not.

Uh yeah you do. Its so obvious

Don't you dare roll your eyes at me inner me.




My blinked and I realised most of the guys were staring at me.

"You were spacing out for a second." Hyunjin chuckled.

I laughed awkwardly, "Sorry."

The guys nodded and went off to set up the snacks and stuff.

"So what were you thinking about, me?" Felix, who apparently didn't go away asked.

"Hmm?" I pretended I didn't know anything about what he was asking me.

"You know, just now..."

"I really don't know what you're talking about" I said.

He made a 'seriously' face.

"Stop lying" he whined like a child.


Stop it.

Pft Idiot

You're the idiot

No you are.


Yeah ... sadly ... you really are.


You don't even know that he's staring at you now?


I quickly snapped back to reality when i saw Felix staring at me showing an unreadable expression.

"GUYS MOVIE'S READY!!" Seungmin yelled. Felix made a head gesture to the living room before he walked away.



Okay you need to stop.

I was walking and arguing with my inner self when I bumped into the something ... or someone?

I looked up and to my surprise it was Jeongin.

"Oh, hi, Ally!" He smiled and hugged me.

"Jeongiiinn!!" I hugged him back and ruffled his hair.

"Gosh, not now you're gonna embarrass me." He whispered in my ear and grabbed my hand.

"Where are we going?"

"To the living room, duh!"


Shut up

We walked to the living room and Jeongin pushed me down on the couch next to Felix and sat below me on the ground since there wasn't much space for all of us on the couch.

"Ready?" Changbin asked.

"Hey! Changbin, where's the food?!" Chan yelled.

Changbin shrugged and started the movie.


Hihi another chapter. I haven't updated in so long *sniffles* 😢

Sorry its so short. 😢

I'm gonna try to update tomorrow and try to make it longer.

I really hate short chapters look what I have done 😭

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