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before we start this chapter, i have a new fanfic called 'roommates'. its a jeongin ff, so check it out if you want. And check out the A/N after.


Lee Felix POV

we couldnt be with the girls today again so while we were out, i went into a jewelry store. "felix, what you got there?" chan asked as i picked up a silver necklace.

"a necklace. what does it look like?" i rolled my eyes. "sheesh" he chuckled and walked off to look at some other things. i rolled my eyes again and started looking at some rings for me, obviously, the necklace was for alyssa. i decided i was going to give it to her when i take her out on a date this evening, we have Kcon two days from now, which is Saturday. i planned everything out.... except for telling her.

while taking out some rings for me, i stared at one. it was a promise ring. "hi, can i help you with anything?" a worker asked. "uh, yeah, i'd like two of these-" i pointed at the rings, "these, and this necklace" i told her, gesturing to the rings and necklace.

"nice choice" she smiled. "would you like anything wrapped?" she asked. "no please, i'm good" i smiled at bit at the older. "okay then". after getting everything i texted her to dress casually this evening, we're going on a date. she agreed and i paid for the things then put them safely in a bag.

"you guys ready?" chan asked. i nodded and we left the shop to get some food.

a few hours later

alyssa's POV

"so, what you gonna wear for your date?" alex smirked. "i don't know, clothes" i smiled as she rolled her eyes. we were in a boutique looking around when I got a text from Felix, telling me that we were going on some kind of date, tonight and we were already in the store, so why not?

"Didn't he tell you where you were going?" Alex asked as she searched through some crop tops. "No, he just said 'dress casually'." I told her. "Then there's a fifty percentage chance that its a picnic" she said with a wide smile. "I just saw the perfect thing for it" she said and dragged me to get clothes.

"Next, we have to get some makeup" Alex annouced when we got the clothes, I gotta give it to her, they were pretty cute. "No, no makeup" i argued. We walked through the streets of New York looking at some different stores.

"Fine, just some lipbalm and-" i cut her off with a glare, "just lipbalm" i said slowly. i really don't like makeup that much. i just don't. its not my style.

An hour later

I had already dressed and Alex was now fixing my hair. "Hey, has Hyunjin ever done anything like this for you?" i asked genuinely curious. "Yeah, I just didn't get ready here" she told me. "where," i raised my eyebrows as she finished (whatever hairstyle you want). "At my friend's house" she answered and began putting on lipbalm on me.

"YOU HAVE FRIENDS?!" I yelled. "Hey, hey, I can do it on my own, y'know" i took the lipbalm from her as we both rolled our eyes. "I know ... and yes, I have friends" she sassed. i rolled my eyes as she sat on my bed.

"Ddaeng, and all i have is a Kang Mi Na... and Felix" i said. "You also have the rest of Stray Kids" she told me with a knowing look. "Isn't Mina that girl that tried to kill you?" she asked and began playing with her phone.

"She didn't try to kill me.. she just tried to steal someone very special to me" i sighed and looked down. "Ddaeng, and i just realised you haven't had a proper friend besides nine boys" she said.

"yeah but they're pretty awesome set of nine boys" "true" she shrugged. "AWEE, WE'RE AWESOME!!!" A voice interupted. i rolled my eyes. "you think we're awesome?" chan asked wiping a fake tear and hugging me.

i hugged back, "sure buddy" i pat his back. "anyways...." changbin began and rolled his eyes at his leader. "felix asked you to be down in ten minutes" he added.

"sure" i answered. "have fun on your date!!!" they all called. "byee!" i yelled back and made my way downstairs with my phone in my hand.

i finally made it to the bottom, using the stairs, 'cuz i dont like elevators that much. i saw felix standing there.

(alyssa, choose which ever you want)

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(alyssa, choose which ever you want)

(felix, the first one, or whichever you want)

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(felix, the first one, or whichever you want)

(credits all owners of photos in this book)

he smiled at me and and took my hand into his. "you look great" typic clichè, cringey stuff, i know. "so do you" i answered with a smile. "lets go?" he asked, "yeah" and we walked out, smiles never leaving our faces and hands still intertwined.


kind of long update. btw thanks for 400 votes 💕 i appreciate it. i'm so waiting for stray kids comeback 'i am who' oh and seventeen's comeback was so good. also Kim_Jiyeon97 and i made a collab account so check it out. we're gonna be publishing a new book soon the acc is KPOPPotaetoez byeeee.

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