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Alyssa's POV

The next day, Stray kids went out and suggested we come but alex and i just wanted a sisters day since we don't do that alot. ever since we moved seoul, we've been either busy with friends (her), fake friends (me), felix, hyunjin, stray kids and studies. "c'mon, sis, ate you ready?" she asked. "yup" i answered and we soon left the hotel.

"where do you wanna go first?" she asked. "uh, cafè?" i suggested. she agreed and we went to the nearest cafè. we ordered and chose a table. "so," i said sipping my frap. "how's hyunjin?" i asked. "good" she chuckled. "actually, I feel like things between are actually getting serious" she said.

"really?" my eyes widened. "yeah, he said 'i love you' yesterday" she smiled. 'really? thats great?" i smiled back. "did you say it back?" i asked cheerfully. she nodded and said  "duh!" we laughed afterwards and enjiyed our drinks. "hey, remember when we got kicked out of the cafè for talking to loud?" she suddenly asked whilst laughing. "talking to loud? we were practicially screaming, al" i told her and laughed.

"yeah, before we met stray kids. and before hyunjin became mine ... officially" she smiled. she seems so happy now. i'm even happier for her. we spent a few hours walking around and talking before deciding to go back to the hotel. "today's been so good" alex smiled.

"you're so much happier now, always smiling" i chuckled. "you know why" she said before walking to her room. i shook my head and laughed before heading to my own. i entered my room and placed my bags on the floor before jumping on the bed and closing my eyes.

then a knock was heard at my door. i groaned and got up. "yes?" i asked and opened the door. "is that how you're gonna treat me?" felix asked and smiled cheekily. "if i have to" i sighed and walked away to my bed and sat on it. he shut the door and sat next to me. "you seem tired" he stated the obvious. "i am"

"well, what did you do today?" he asked. i told him everything and how tired i am. "you should sleep" he said. "uh, huh" i spoke with my eyes half-shut. "anyways, i left something here for you" he placed a black box down. "sweet dreams" he pecked my lips before leaving the room.


short update but im so tired i cant even think straight. but did you hr the new nickname for suga, 'lilmeowmeow'. and. sm rookies. three more. china line. sm what are you doing to me!!!!!! xiaojun, hendery and yangyang.i've adopted  yangyang jkXD and i can already see hendery is my bias. did you guys hr about the new rumored subunit. nct116 or something like that? and all of the china line are rumored to be in it?

 nct116 or something like that? and all of the china line are rumored to be in it?

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this is hendery

this is xiaojun

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this is xiaojun

this is yangyang, my childjkjk

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this is yangyang, my childjkjk

this is yangyang, my childjkjk

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here are the three!!!


oh that was kim donghan in the media bow btw

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