8 (Edited)

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Alyssa's POV

"We're back!" Felix exclaimed and walked through the door with Yerim by his side.

"Oh" all of them except Felix, Yerim and I said.

"Okay, we should start working on the project" Jeongin said and grabbed my hand so we could set up the camera secretly.

An hour later

Jeongin and I have been doing the assingment by him because we were too lazy to actually catch a bus to Namsan Tower so we'll do that for the second part of the assingment.

Yes, Jeongin and I because Yerim was too busy with Felix flirting.

"Are they a thing?" I asked. Jeongin stopped writing and looked up at me. "No, she annoys the heck out of us and always clings on hyung". He rolled his eyes

"Oo~ maknae" I said and pointed at him. He rolled his eyes again but smiled.

Felix POV

I looked over at Jeongin and Alyssa then back at Yeri, "Uh, aren't you supposed to be with them?" I asked. She stopped talking and looked up at me.

"Nope, they can handle it oppa." She said. I sighed.

Someone help me.

Everytime I'm with her, well more like when she's with me, Ally leaves and I hate that because then I have to deal with Yerim...alone.

I'm only being nice to her, I don't want to hurt her feelings

I sighed again and looked at Alyssa's (e/c) eyes.

So pretty.

She looked up and we made eye contact then she smiled at me.

Oh my-

What to do? What to do?

You know what, just play it cool Felix.

I smiled back at her.


Alyssa POV

We just finished the first assingment. "OKAY! We're finally done!" Jeongin cheered. "When are we gonna do the second one?" I asked. "Hmm... Saturday morning? We have to perform on Saturday evening soo...."

"Sure." I said and stood up as Chan walked in. "Are you not staying for dinner?" He asked. I shook my head. "I'm fine. I ate at home." I said and got my stuff.

"Okay! Good night then!" He said and hugged me. I was shocked that a Stray Kids member was hugging me but soon smiled and hugged him back.

After we pulled away I gave each member a hug and left.


I went straight to my bathroom and took a bath. I was putting on my face mask when I got a call from Felix.

Me: Hello?

Felix: Hey, its me. Dress casual I'm picking you up in fifteen.

Me: Wait. What?

Felix: Okay Bye! See you in fifteen.

He hung up before I could say anything.

"Great" I mumbled to myself and rolled my eyes. I walked to my room and put on a dark blue blue jeans and a white sweater 'cause its cold. I put on my Puma slides and grabbed my phone.

I came into the living room and saw my sister watching Part-time Idol. "Sis, I'm going out. I'll be back soon" I said and headed to the door. She nodded, barely awake.

I checked the time. Ten O'clock. Wow, really, doesn't he know we have school tomorrow and its only my second day?

I heard the doorbell ring and opened the door.

"Okay, you ready?" He asked.

"Yeah.." i trailed off.

I locked the door behind me and started walking with him. "So, why'd you call me out here?" I asked, stuffing my cold hands into my pocket. He chuckled, "Because..." he said.

"Because?" I raised my eyebrows. "I don't know.... just think of this as... our second date." He shrugged and shot me a cute smile.

Oh my-


A/n: double update because I'm feeling generous!!💕


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