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Alyssa's POV

Felix grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers then pulled me up and kissed my forehead.

"When we decided to date, we also decided to go through everything together. We also decided that we'd stay with each other and tell each other everything. I'm not planning on letting you go because I love you. I hope you'll feel the same to me too" he said. "I'm not planning on letting you go either. I love you too" I told him truthfully. He shot me his gummy smile and leaned in then kissed me. "Lets go to the nurse's office"

"What for?" I asked. "Your cheek...". Then I remembered what happened just now. "Right, we're you always there?" I asked. "Yeah" then we both ran into the hallway swerving through people still holding hands.

People stared and whispered as we walked into the nurse's office.


"Okay, you should be fine" the nurse said. We thanked her and left her office. "What period is it?" I asked Felix. "Second" he replied. "I have a question" I said and after a moment.

"Yeah?" He looked at me and stopped. "Do you know ... about what happened with Jisung?" I asked and looked down. "I do" he replied. "Oh" I said and looked away. "Its okay, I just need your side. I'll believe you either way" I looked at him and he smiled. I laughed. "Okay" I told him everything that happened.

"Can I kill him?"

Was the first that came out of his mouth. I chuckled and shook my head as a 'no'. He pouted. "Pleeaaassee" "no" "fine" he sighed. "Do you think I should talk to Jisung?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Not yetㅡ well, thats what i think. What do you think?" He asked. I sighed. "I should probably talk to him"


"Jisung!" I yelled as I saw him leaning on his locker. He looked from Jaemin, who he was talking to and looked at me. "See you later hyung" he said and Jaemin smiled at me and walked off.

"Whats up?" He crossed his arms over his chest. I think the Jisung from 'Go' is taking over now.

"What's this all about?" I asked and stood in front of him. "What?" He asked playing innocent. I rolled my eyes. I really need to stop that.

"Park Jisung! Tell me, now" I demanded. He sighed and looked away. "Look, I'm sorry, but, I had to help my sister" he began. "Your ... sister?" I asked.

"Park Lu Na/ Luna Park, whatever"

"Anyways, lets just say she has a tiny tiny tiny crush on Felix and she-kinda-wanted-to-destroy-you" "I don't that is 'tiny tiny tiny'" I sighed.

"I know, but I've barely been there for my sister. I thought, why not? I love her, so at least I could start now, right?"

"The plan was, to first get close to you"

When he talked to me for the first time at the amusement park

"Then make Felix see us, somehow"

Also at the amusement park

"To make him jealous, right?" I asked although it was pretty obvious. "Yes"

"Then I was gonna keep hanging out with you and basically kiss you when Felix was looking. Boom! Relationship destroyed with in  a week" Jisung said. How is he so frickin' calm about this?!

"Seriously?" I groaned. "Yea, but don't worry, she won't be here for a while. She's moving back to the states, New York. Oh, and she was also gonna hit on Felix.. i'm sorry i did this to you. I just wanted to help my sister although i knew it was wrong, we grew apart in these years tat she was in New York, so i thought i'd take the chance. I'm sorry, again" he looked down and sighed in defeat.

Okay, ouch. I feel really bad for him now.

"Hey, its not okay, but I get it. I won't lie to you and say that its okay, 'cuz, its not. But i accept your apology and i hope this isn't another one of your jokes or pranks, or apart of your plans" i said and hugged him. He looked shocked for a moment but then responded. "Thanks" he replied and sighed. "I gotta go help my sister pack, see you" he said. I waved and he left.

"All cleared up?" Felix suddenly appeared. "Yeah" I turned around and he hugged me. "I found out everything"


Oh ma gosh this is coming to an end. Probably about one or two or maybe even three chapters left. i hoped yoy enjoyed this so far although its complete stupidness lol. Thanks for staying by this ff and i hope you have a straytastic dayㅡ
okay that was lame. Don't forget to vote!


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