37 {Special - Felix's Birthday}

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Hello! Guess who's back! Read a/n its important. Ohh and stan astro!
Alyssa's POV

I made my way into Stray Kids' dorm. I smiled at the guys in the room. Most of the boys were there. All actually, except Hyunjin and Felix.

"Okay, Ally, you have to the dorm to yourselves, don't do anything wild" Chan said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and smacked his arm. "Shut up Christopher, by the way, where's Hyunjin?" I asked although i already knew the answer.

Someone just needed to wake him and that 'someone' was not going to be me! Jeongin sighed and walked into Hyunjin's room, "I'll go get him" After a good twenty-five minutes, the two came back, Hyunjin half-awake and Jeongin seeming really tired.

"I hope you have a good today today, Ally" Jeongin mumbled. "Heh, thanks Jeongin" I said nervously. "Okay guys, lets go, we'll be back this evening" Woojin spoke. I nodded as all the boys said, 'bye'.

I smiled to myself. What exactly am I doing here, or planning to do? Well, nothing. Felix always said for his birthday, he'd want a rest day, so thats what we're all doing.

Boring, but hey, i have nothing else in mind than to give him his birthday gift

The rest of the guys'll be back with some cake and what not, later. They'll just be heading to Chan's old apartment which is luckily big enough to fit all of them, so that they can rest. I made my way into the kitchen and looked through the cupboards and fridge.

I decided to make pancakes, omlette, bacon and ham for Felix. I made everything and Felix still wasn't up, I hope. I washed my hands and made my way into his bedroom.

I slowly opened the door and there he was sleeping like a lil squishy, fluff ball- okay, i'll stop. I walked up to him and poked him a few times. He didn't budge.

I gave up because I'm too lazy and just sat beside him, playing with his hair and admiring his facial features. Okay, but how does one look so good? I stroked his hair just as his eyes fluttered open.

He looked a bit shocked at first but then smiled. "Happy eighteenth (international) birthday" I said with a smile. "What are you doing here?" He asked with the same smile.

"Well 'Hello' to you too" I laughed a bit as he shook his head and sat up. "Breakfast is ready" I said to him. "Oh you made breakfast?" He smirked. "Uh, yeah," "Okay, let me go shower first" he said and got up.

I nodded and left the room while he headed to the bathroom. I made my way to the kitchen and got the breakfast for him and placed it in his room for when he came back.

I went out again into the kitchen to get some juice for myself. When i heard Felix yell my name I dropped the cup in the sink and went into his room. "Yes?" "Come on" he pat the spot beside him where he was laying on the bed. I sat next to him and placed my legs on the bed. "Imagine if Chan found out you were eating on the bed and making a mess" I said suddenly.

He laughed and I rested my head on his shoulder. "Egg?" He offered. I shook my head. "I made that for you. It's your birthday after all" I smiled although he couldn't see it.

"C'mon, have you had your breakfast yet?" I nodded, "poptarts?" He sighed. I nodded again. "Ally-" "I know, I know, I can't keep doing that, but its fine. I'm fine" Felix sighed again and made me face him.

"Don't do again, okay?" He said with a serious face. I nodded and layed back on his shoulder. I heard him place the plate and stuff on the dresser next to the bed. "I should carry them out" I was about to move but then he stopped me.

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