11 (Edited)

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Alyssa's Pov

I sighed for the nth time today. I was in Chemistry, the last subject of the day. I ignored Felix and thankfully we didn't have dance class today. But unfortunately we have it tomorrow.

I groaned and bit my lip.

Why is this so hard!?

"Having problems, Ms. Park?" Mrs. Jung asked. "Maybe.." I muttered. "Okay, seems like we have to get you a tutor"

"....FELIX! Would you be kind enough to tutor Ms. Park after school?" She suddenly said.

"Oh my-"

"Sure" he cut me off and smiled at Mrs. Jung. "Great. Starting after school and onwards until I see an improvement." She said and sat at her desk.

I groaned and banged my head on the table. "Hey, stop that you could get seriously hurt" I looked up.

Oh my-



He chuckled. "Hey, I'm Jaemin." He extended a hand. I shook it. "Alyssa Park" I muttered still Jungshook about the situation.

"You really don't like Felix? Do you?" He asked. "Uh.." I said and titled my head. He chuckled. "We should hang out sometime, my girlfriend - Yuna - would like you." He said.

"You and Felix look cute together by the way." He said and got up when the bell rung. I groaned and banged my head against the table again until a hand stopped me.

"You know, you should really stop that" A certain annoying voice said. "Whatever." I muttered and left the class. "Wait up! I have to tutor you, y'know" He said and ran up to me.

"Yeah, I know. I just don't care."

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "I'll tell Mrs. Jung" he said in a sing-song voice. "So?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You'll probably get in trouble for the rest of the year. That scholarship of yours proabably wouldn't be going well." He said and smirked.

"You wouldn't.." I glared at him.

"Oh...I would" he whispered.

I breathed out.

"Fine" I muttered.

"So lets go!" He said. "Wait where's Jeongin?" I asked when he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Sick" he mumbled.

"Oh." I said. "So, where are we-" I cut off by a VERY annoying voice.


Isn't she the same age?

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Hey" He mumbled. "Do you wanna come over with the girls and I today?" She asked, twirling his hair around her fingers.

"Uh, sorry I can't." He said. "Why?" She asked and pouted. "I have tutor Ally" he said and pointed at me. "Ally?" She whispered.

"Yes, Ally. Got a problem with that?" I asked. She glared at me and sighed, fustrated while Felix just stared at me. "No. See you later then." She said and pecked his cheek.

"Ally" She mumbled and glared one last time before speeding off.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "What was that?" He asked. I ignored him, "Girls? What girls?" He looked at me shocked when I asked that.


"What?" I asked as we continued to walk towards a black car which I assumed came to pick him- well us up. "You don't know Red Velvet?"

My eyes widened. "She's from Red Velvet?" I whisper-yelled. "Yeah.." he said.

"I know like five or six Red Velvet songs but only members about are Wendy? And Joy? I don't stan that group because I don't focus on girl groups" I said honestly.

"Which songs do you know?"

"Red Flavor. Peek-a-boo. Bad Boy. A few more that I can't remember right now." I said.

He nodded and entered the car then explained to the driver that I was coming over for a tutoring session. The driver nodded and Felix pulled me in with him.

I yelped in shock while he just shot me an innocent cute smile. I rolled my eyes and tried not to smile.

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