17 (Edited)

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Alyssa's POV

"WE'RE BACK!!" Felix yelled.

"Finally!" Jeongin, Chan and Changbin ran up to us.

"Icecream?" Chan and Changbin asked at the same time. I chuckled as Felix gave them. They all walked to the couch except for Jeongin and I.

"Ally! What did Felix hyung do to you?" Jeongin asked hugging me.


"Nothing." he poked my cheek, he said and smiled cheekily. I shook my head.

"But... I know what you did... last summer." He said and walked away.

"QUOTING SHAWN AND CAMILA ARE YOU!?" I yelled and ran after him

I sat in between him and Felix on the ground and ate the icecream peacefully as we watched 'Love For a Thousand More'.

Halfway through the movie, I found myself getting sleepy. I rested the icecream bucket on the floor in front of my amd leaned my head on Jeongin's shoulder.

Jeongin's POV

I felt a weight on my shoulder half- way through the drama. I looked down and realised it was Ally resting her head on my shoulder. I smiled at the sight. I looked next to Ally and saw what I expected. Felix glaring at me.

I know these two like each other. It's pretty obvious. So I came up with a plan.

I fake yawned, "Felix, I'm tired, do you mind?" I gestured to Ally. He nodded slowly before I let her head rest on his shoulder.

"Thanks, Felix!" I ran off to my room.

Felix's POV

After Jeongin left I sighed and played with Alyssa's hair. I looked around me and realised everyone was asleep but me, "To be honest, I thought he was gonna take you from me. Although you're technically not mine... yet." I chuckled and cringed. I wrapped around her as she hugged my side. "You're so cute"

After a while I began to feel sleepy too to I carried Alyssa bridal style to mine Jisung and Seungmin's room- which they at some point wandered in... since we don't have a guest room. I laid her on my bed and lyed down next to her. I created a safe distance between us although it wasn't much and fell alseep.

Alyssa's POV

I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock.


When did I get a clock?

Since when did it sound like that?

Why does it sound so annoying?

I opened my eyes slowly as the light shone in my face.

I tried to move but something heavy was stopping me. I look down at my waist and saw a hand.

What the fudge?

I nearly screamed until a finger was placed on lips. I looked and saw Jisung, Changbin, Seungmin, Woojin and Hyunjin staring down at Felix with a phone in Woojin's hand.

Jisung smiled at me and removed his finger before whispering a quick 'sorry' I nodded and tried to move again but the remembered that Felix's arm was around my waist.

"Aw." I accidentally squealed staring at his sleeping face. I cover my mouth with my hand when the boys snicker.

Jisung took the phone from Woojin and took some pictures, forgetting to turn off the flash.


Felix groaned and opened his eyes. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, letting go of me, thankfully. He looked over at the guys and blinked. Then he looked over to me and literally falls off of the bed.


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