10 (Edited)

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Alyssa's POV

I felt tears pouring from my eyes like a river.

I guess the feeling was wasn't mutual

I groaned into my pillow for the nth time today.

You must be really confused right now. Let me explain..


I skipped down the hallway happily. I was going to my locker when I paused in my tracks and my jaw dropped. In front of me was...





Felix notice me and pulled away immediately. He ran towards me, I just turned away and ran.

Ran and ran until my feet hurt me.

I found myself home in this position.

- End of Flashback -

So here I am, crying my heart out in this pillow. Stress eating some ice-

Oh wait, I'm out of icecream. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and pulled the hood of my blue, taelien sweater on my head and put on a pair of slides.

I grabbed some money and headed out to the store. I paid for three buckets of icecream and walked out.

After a bit of walking around I found myself at the boardwalk Felix said he goes to when he's stressed. I sighed and walked towards it.

I sat down and just looked out at the starry night. It reminded me of Starry Night by Mamamoo. I sang along to the song as I put in my earphones.

When I finished the song I heard clapping noises. I turned around and came face to face with Felix. By this time, I was standing. I scoffed and looked away.

"Al-" "I'm leaving" I said and grabbed my things then started walking. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him again.

"Please let me explain" He breathed out. "There's nothing to explain Felix. You like her. I get it. I respect it. I don't even know why I-" he pulled me into a hug. My head was resting on his chest listening to his heatbeat.

"I don't, I don't like her. I like you-"

"Then you should've never kissed her" I said and took off.

I don't even know what happened back there. Felix likes me? Wow. Wait then why did he kiss her then. Unless-

"Ugh brain shut up." I yelled to myself and entered the apartment. I went into my room and dropped on the bed then ate my icecream not so peacefully.

Argh I hate you Felix Lee, why does my heart feels these these exciting things for you though?

The Next Day

I walked into the school with tangly hair and tired eyes. If Alexis was here she'd probably scold me, she wouldn't even let me leave the house. But she's sick and forced me to go to school.

Mina ran up to me. "Hi Al- OH MY GOSH, WHAT HAPPENED!" She yelled getting weird stares. "COME ON LETS GO!" She yelled and dragged me into the bathroom before I could say anything.

She brushed out my hair and put on some mascara and lip balm on me. "Let's go!" She yelled when the bell rung.

She dragged me out the bathroom. I still didn't say a word and had a blank face on. "Are you okay?" She asked as we entered the classroom. I didn't answer and was still blank.

I looked around the class to my seat and made iKONtact with Felix. I looked away and Mina noticed. "Let's go" she whispered. I walked to my seat and ignored Felix.

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