7 (Edited)

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Alyssa's POV

The dance teacher walked in and clapped his hands together. "Hey guys listen up. We're gonna start off dance class by getting into groups and choreographing a dance then showing me." He said.

"Can it be a solo?" A girl asked. He shook his head, "Solos are NOT allowed, I want to see how well you guys can work with each other. It'll also be a small competition to see who preforms in the talent show" he said. Just then, everyone started doing their own thing.

"Team?" Mina and I asked at the same time. We chuckled. "Sure" we both said again. "Okay lets do this" from the corner of my eye I could see Felix and Yerim pairing up.

Oh my-


After about fifteen to twenty minutes of choreographing everyone was ready. "Okay first.. Yerim and Felix" he said and everyone clapped.


After a few names being called it was our turn.

(A/N: Just act like they're only two people there)

I saw everyone look at us schocked and we smiled.

"Okay, so this was basically a competition and I've chosen two winners from two different groups!" The teacher explained.

"The winners are....FELIX AND ALYSSA!"

They were claps and cheers from across the room. "But thats not fair!" Yerim whined and stomp her feet, pouting.

"Sorry Yerim, better luck next time" the teacher said. "As for you two. You will be performing in the talent show two weeks from now" we smiled at each other.

The bell rung and it was time to leave. I went into the shower and came back out fresh.

"What song are we doing?" Felix asked and walked out with Mina and I after she congratulated me. I shrugged, "I don't know, I'll think of somethi-"

"Felix! Wait up! Don't forget we're going out today. Like, right now" Yerim interupted. I rolled my eyes and left the two. "Lets go, Mina" i said. Luckily she didn't question anything and came along.

"Oh here's my number. See you tomorrow Lyssa-ah" she said and ran off. I chuckled at her child-like manner and caught up with my sister.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey!" I said smiling.

"Ready?" She asked. "Yeah." I said and left with her.

At home


My phone went off when I was cooking the noodles. I looked down and saw a message from Jeongin.


Come over in 30. The address is XXXX

Oh yeah I forgot about that. Okay I'll be there soon.

I told Alex about the project and left and reached Stray Kids' dorm.





I rung the doorbell. The door opened to Jeongin smiling. "Hey!" He said and pulled me inside. "Hi!" I said and bowed when I saw all of the members but Felix.

Don't freak out

"Hello!" they shot me cute smiles.


Chan walked up to me. "You must be Alyssa" he said in english. "Yeah" I replied. "Nice meeting you. Felix never stops talking about you" he chuckled and I felt my face heat up.

I cleared my throat and smiled awkwardly. "So umm..is Yerim here yet?" I asked in Korean.

"Yerim? She's coming here?" Changbin asked. "Yeah, she's our project partner" I said and they frowned. "We don't really...like...her" Woojin said.


"Oh, I know how you feel. One day knowing her and I already don't like her guts" I said and smiled. They laughed and pulled me to sit down with them.

"Is that where Felix is?" Seungmin asked.

I nodded slowly.

"Oh" was all he said.

The door suddenly opened, "We're back!"

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