3 (Edited)

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(H/T) means hair type


Alyssa's POV

"Get up! Get up! Get up! Get-"

"OKAY, OKAY! I'M UP! Geez woman."

I walked into my bathroom then showered and brushed my teeth. I came out and wore my SOPA (School Of Performing Arts Seoul) uniform.

I put on lip balm and left my (h/t) hair down as always.

After dressing Alex made me put on mascara, she said it makes my eyes pop.

"Ready?" She asked. I nodded, "lets go!" She squealed. "Y'know, you're really excited for school." I said to her.

"Well duh! We're going to school with Kpop idols and trainees" She said. "Oh yeah I forgot about that, KPOP IDOLS WILL BE THERE AHH!" She just smiled and walked out.

I walked behind her and locked ther door. We walked to the nearest bus stop. We got one and got off at school since it is our first day and we are new we got weird stares.

We ignored them and went lookig for the principal's office. I feel so good because I attend a school where a whole bunch of idols and trainees go to school.

Including Felix (a/n: just pretend he does), Jeongin, Donghyuck, Jaemin, Jeno, Mark Lee, Jungkook, Hyunjin, Seventeen DK, Lee Hi, WonWoo, Sehun, Kai ect. (A/n if they don't got there anymore just pretend they do).

"OMG LOOK THERE'S JAEMIN!" She whisper-yelled in my ear. "OH MY POOTARTS, OKAY D E A D." I whispered back to her not looking where I was going. Then I felt a thud.

Before I knew it I was falling back. Squinting my eyes I waited for the impact of my body to hit the ground but instead I felt arms wrap around my waist.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Felix.


He chuckled and looked down at me.

"Falling for me already?"

Shut up

He helped me up. "Thanks" I said and was about to walk away until-

"Hey do you know where the principal's office is?" Alex asked. I glared at her.

"Uhh, yeah sure. Come on Jeongin" He said and....


Stepped out from behind him.


I just wanna hug him now.

"Hello" he bowed.

"No, you're actually older than me" I said in Korean and laughed awkwardly.

He laughed nervously, "heh, sorry"

"Come on" Felix said and took my hand then lead me down the hallway. "Hyung, is this her?" Jeongin whispered to Felix but I could still hear them.

"Uh, yeah" he said.

He talked about me?

"Oo she's pretty" he whispered back and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"I know right." He whispered then shot me a cute smile.




I coughed and cleared my throat while Alex nudged me, "so um, are we going to be there soon?" I asked

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I coughed and cleared my throat while Alex nudged me, "so um, are we going to be there soon?" I asked.

"Yeah" they said in unison.

"So, did you enjoy our little date yesterday?" He asked smirking a bit. Jeongin's eyes went wide, it's so funny.

"D-date?" He stuttered.

"Uh.... oh, aren't we here?" I pointed at the door that marked 'Head Office' in Hangul and then in English- that saved my life.

Thank you door, I love you so much

"Oh, yeah. See you later Alyssa and...."
He pointed at Alexis.

"Alex" she said.

He smiled and winked while Jeongin smiled and then turned around with Felix and left.

"Oooo~ girl!" Alexis squealed. I shot her a death glare and entered the head office.

"Hello, can i help you ladies?" The secretary spoke. I nodded and smiled, "Hi, we came for our schedules" I said. "Ah."


"Alyssa Park and Alexis Park"

"Oh, okay....here we go" she pulled out our schedules and handed them to us. We thanked her and left the office.

"What class are you in?"


(A/n: So I don't know how Korean classes work so yeah just work with meh)

"Cool I'm in 18-A obviously since I'm older than you" She said and hugged me.

"Are you nervous?" She asked on out way to the class. Thankfully, the secretary gave us directions then said that she'd get someone to show us around the school.

"Uhh, duh!" I said.

"Uh, sht I forgot to ask Felix what class he would be in." She said.

"Uh, why?"

"Nothing." She replied and walked to her class like nothing happened.

I really dislike you sometimes

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