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Felix's POV

The next day, I decided to take Ali out on a date since we haven't been on one in a while. "Where are we going again?" She asked as we walked out to the van with our masks on.

"Well first, we're going to the theatre, then JYP wants to see me" I told her. She frowned, "its because of the us isn't it?" I didn't reply and just entered.

She got in too and sat next to me. "Felix?" "Yeah .. its about us" i sighed. "I'm sorry" she apologised. "No, its not your fault". I smiled warily at her as we paid for our tickets.

We entered the theatre and watched (any movie you want).


After the movie, I dropped off Alyssa and went to JYPE.

When we got there, I got out and headed to JYP's office whilst shaking a bit. I knocked twice and heard him say come in. I opened the door and walked in after closing it behind me. I bowed nervously a few times and stood in front of his very serious face.

"Felix? I'm very sure you know what this is?" He showed me his computer screen which showed an article about Alyssa and I. "Ne pd-nim" i answer. "Care to explain who this is?" He asked.

Oh geez, here we go

"She is my very close friend ..." the photo showed Ali and hugging by the place I showed her. "Lee Felix, I hope you know that I don't like lies" he said sternly looking me in my eyes. I sighed and looked down.

I can't lie ...

My career will be at risk, it kinda already is..

"Fine .. this is Alyssa Park-" "I know" he cut me off. "Anyways, she's my girlfriend. But when the photo was taken we weren't dating ... i promise you" i said. "Then why am I now hearing about this? Why did this now get posted?" He asked.

"I don't know ... the person was probably holding it for some reason ..." then it hit me. "Park. Lu. Na" i said suddenly making him look at me with shock and confusion.

"Park Ji Sung's little sister? What about her?" "She said .. "I'll ruin you" " i told him. He wrote all of this down. "When? To you?" "A couple of days ago and to Alyssa"

"We'll talk about this later" he said. "Back to our main focus" he added. "I know you are very aware of your dating ban" he said. "Yes sir". "Yet, you avoided and ignored my rules" he scolded. "I'm sorry sir, but, i couldn't help myself. Please ..." i begged. He sighed and stared into space for a moment then looked at me again.

"Felix, you have one chance" he said.

Yay- wait, what does that mean?

"I'm giving you one chance. Since ... between you and me ... you are one of my favourites" he grinned cheekily and stood up.

"You have to hide your relationship. I won't give an official statement about this relationship of yours IF you keep it secret. I'll decide if i want you to tell the truth about it ... or just keep it safe until the ban is lifted if your relationship lasts that long" he said making me eyes widen.

"OH MY GOSH REALLY?!" I accidentally yelled in english. He chuckled and nodded. I bowed so much times i thought my head was gonna fall off. "Thank you sir"

I can be with her now ...

I can't wait to tell her.

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