6 (Edited)

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Alyssa POV

"Jeongin, Alyssa and Yerim."

She finished.

My eyes widened.

Why her?

"Choose a place to work on and this project is due next week Monday." The teacher said and sat at her desk.

"Hey Jeongin oppa and....Alyssa"

She said sweetly but when it came to my name she glared at me.

Well, guess what, I don't want to be in your group either.

She sat down.

"What should our project be on?" She asked mainly Jeongin. "Umm I don't know, what do you think Alyssa?" He asked nervously and signalling me. I got what he was saying, he must not like her either.

"How about Namsan Tower?" I asked.

"Namsan Tower? Ew why?" Yeri asked with a disgusted face.

"Thats a great idea I vote for Namsan Tower" Jeongin said.

"Namsan Tower it is then." I smiled.

She groaned. "Fine. But don't blame me when it gets a bad grade"

Pft...like she cares if it gets bad grade ot not.

"Okay, lets work on this...after school?" Jeongin suggested.

"Where?" I asked.

"In the dorms?" He asked.

Yerim perked up immediately, "Yay! Good choice Jeongin! See you there!" She said and got up when the bell rang.

I rolled my eyes, "she probably won't be helping anyway." I grumbled. "You're probably right but lets still see. We could record or something proving that she did no work or anything to help at all, right?" Jeongin asked.

"Oh yeah."

"By the way, here's my number. I'll text you the details." He said and gave me his number. I gave him mine and we walked out together.

"There you are. You took long enough." Felix groaned. I rolled my eyes at him and us three walked to P.E together.



I walked into the girls' changing room and bumped into someone.

geez why

I looked and saw that I bumped into a girl. She smiled at me and helped me up. "Sorry, you must be new. I'm Kang Mi Na." She bowed.

"Ne, my name is Alyssa" I said. "Oh, you have very pretty eyes." She chuckled. "Thanks" I said and walked in with her.

"Wanna be friends?" She asked and happily. "Sure, why not?" I said and changed.

After changing I asked what group she was in or if she was a trainee. She said Gugudan and she's eighteen but belongs in this group because she was over seas for a year so she needed to catch up.

"Do you like P.E?" She asked.

"Of course not!" I said and she chuckled. "Me either haha. But you have to bare the pain with me".

"Haha, okay"

We got onto the gym and coach decided that we could either play basketball, volleyball or netball.

I made an excuse that I don't know how these sports work in Korea- heck I don't even know how they work in USA and surprisingly coach let me off the hook so I just sat there and stared at cute people.

After Two Periods of PE

I took a shower and came back out and changed into fresh new clothes although i didn't do anything but stretch.

I brushed my wavy hair and walked out with Mina. "So, what class do you have next?" She asked. "Dance" I said.

"Cool, me too" she said and smiled. I smiled back at her and we went in the dance room.

"Hey! Ally Park you left me!" I heard Felix complaining. I turned around and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I was with Mina and totally forgot about you." I said and faced Mina again.

He sighed and rolled his eyes then started stretching like other students. Mina chuckled.

"You two make a cute couple" she said and poked my right cheek.

I sighed and rolled my eyes before sarcastically saying "OKAY!"

Just then the dance teacher walked in.

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