12 (Edited)

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Alyssa's Pov

He rung the doorbell and Chan opened the door and smiled immediately when he looked at me. "ALLY! YOU'RE BACK!" He exclaimed.


Suddenly all of Stray Kids - except Jeongin was standing in front of me smiling. I smiled back, "Hey guys".

They let us in and I sat down on the couch. "So, what brings you here?" Jisung asked. "I have to tutor her" Felix said and pointed at me. I glared at him, suddenly remembering why I was here.

"What subject?" Changbin asked. "Chemistry" I said. "Cool" Seungmin and Hyunjin said. "I'm gonna go change now. You want to?" Felix asked.

I gave him a poker face. "Change into what?" I asked. "You can borrow my shirt and sweatpants" He shrugged. I sighed, "Fine" I mumbled.


"Don't you have to dress?" I raised an eyebrow. He sighed and rolled his eyes before pulling me up and dragging me into his room. "What the-" he cute me off by throwing a baby blue shirt on my head.

I took it off and glared at him. "Thanks so much" I said sarcastically. "You're welcome" He said and smiled.

He threw a pair of sweatpants on top of the shirt. I groaned and pulled it off. He smiled on last time and left the room with his clothes.

After changing, I wanted to check on Jeongin so I literally went through almost every room in the house to look for him.

When I finally found him he was laying on the bed with sweat all over his face and coughing. "Hey," I whispered and sat beside him. He gave me a weak smile before saying it back.

I looked around the room when he closed his eyes again and found a bucket with water and a cloth. I took up the cloth and wet it before squeezing out some of the water and putting it on Jeongin's forehead.

He opened his eyes and smiled at me. "Thank you," I nodded and smiled at him.

"You're so cute even when you're sick" I told him a poked his cheek. He giggled and closed his eyes. "Okay, I'll let you have some rest now." I said and stood up from on the bed beside him.

"Alright, bye," He said. "Bye" I said and kissed his cheek.

Not in that way

He's like a cute little brother to me

I walked into the living room and saw all of the boys (except Jeongin of course). Felix saw me and smiled. "Where'd you go?" He asked and walked up to me.

"I went to see Jeongin since he's sick" I said and smiled back at him. He took my hand and lead me to the table.

I sat down and the tutoring sesion began.

After tutoring

"Yes! I finally get it!" I yelled in excitement. The boys laughed. "What now?" Felix asked as he plopped down on the couch with Seungmin.

"Welll...I'm going to check on Alexis, so bye" I said and got up then packed my stuff. I hugged all of them.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" Felix asked. I shrugged. "But wait, I have to go see Jeongin again." I said and walked to Jeongin's room.

"Hey." I said when walked in. He smiled at me. "You're looking better." I said and took the cloth of his head. "You left it on?" I asked.

"I'm feeling better, thanks. Yeah, I left it on. I was too lazy to move it" He said. I chuckled. "Well I'm leaving now so..see you at school." I said and kissed his forehead.

"Awe. Okay. Bye-bye" he said in english. I chuckled, "Bye my cute little brother" I said. "But I'm older than you." He pouted.

"By a few months, but you're still cute and act like one to me." I said. He smiled and I left the room.

"Ready?" Felix asked.

"Yeah" I said and we left the dorm.


I'm gonna start a new Fanfic soon so stay tune..

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