4 (Edited)

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Alyssa's Pov

I arrived at class and entered. I didn't bow because I am a foreingner and I just don't care to be honest. I looked around the glass and saw that they were a few idols around our age and I guess trainees and then stuck up rich kids.

"Hi! You must be the new student! Alyssa, you can sit next to Felix" She said. I looked around the class, nodded and went to my seat.

No biggie

I'm just gonna sit next to my bias.

Not a big deal

I walked up to Felix and sat next to him and he smiled at me.

I swear this guy has some serious mood swings

One minute he's cute, next minute he's-

"I forgot to ask you, how come you're going to school here. Are you stalking me?" Felix whispered with a serious face.

See what I mean?

"Uh pft..no, who would want to stalk you?" I asked.

"Uh...everyone. Have you seen this face?" He said and made a gesture with his hand.

I laughed. "So what are you doing here?" He asked again.

"I got a scholarship, with my sister, Alex, that you met in the hallway." I explained. He shot me his gummy smile.


"Glad you like it" he winked. "Wait did I say that out loud?" I asked and eyes widened in shock.

"Yeah...you kinda did"

"oh jeez" I rolled my eyes and faced front again. "Who's your bias?" He asked. I sighed and mumbled, "you".

"Huh? Sorry I didn't hear that. Did you say me?" He asked.

"Nothing" I mumbled. "Oh, I'm so gonna tease you when we get of class." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay class lets continue our lesson-"

After Class

I packed up my stuff and got up. "What class do you have next?" Jeongin and Felix walked up to me.

"Uhhh...Chemistry" I said. "Cool us too" Jeongin cheered. "You're so adorable" I said ruffled his hair. He pouted and slapped my hand away.

I chuckled and Felix stood there quietly. "Okay, let's go" Jeongin said.

When we were walking to Chemistry some random girl walked up to Felix and started flirting with him.

"Hi Felix" she said 'sweetly' and shot him a smile. "Hey Yeri" he said and smiled.


Why does name sound familiar?

"Wanna hang out after school?" She asked smiling. I rolled my eyes. "Sure" he said. "Okay, meet me outside the school ." She said sweetly and walked off then turned around and glared at me.


"Can we go now?" I asked impatiently.

"Uh yeah, sure." Jeongin said and took my hand.

After Chemistry

"I have Korean class next."

"Wait a second let me see your schedule." Felix said and took my schedule.

His eyes widened. "What?" I asked and peeked over his shoulder.

"We have everything the same, except for History" he said.



"Omg I have everything with you too" Jeongin said.

"Cool" I said and smiled.

"Oh, so I get an 'oh' and he gets a 'cool'" Felix pouted.


"Uhh yeah! You're annoying!" I stated.

"Yet, I'm your bias" He rolled his eyes and smiled.


In Korean Class

Ten minutes until the bell rings. I kept checking the clock.


When is this stupid class gonna end?

Don't get me wrong! I love languages! its just learning them is another story.

Nine minutes...

Eight minutes...

Seven minutes...

Six minutes...

Five minutes...

Four minutes...

Three minutes...

Two minutes...



"What?" I turned to the side and there he was.

"I've been calling you name for the last ten minutes."

"WOW! THATS SO AMAZING!" I whisper-yelled sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes just then the bell rung.

Oh my gosh, yes!


District 9 MV literally had me in tears. I was like...'my babies! I'm so proud of them😭'

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