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Felix POV

I roamed the school hallway looking for a certain person. It was now the end of school and Alyssa was soon about to come out of her class.

"Park Luna" i called out as i saw the girl walking towards the girls' bathroom. "Yes?" She turned around and smiled at me. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked agitated. "What do you mean?" She asked and smiled wider. Can i kill her?

"What do you want from Alyssa? From us?" I asked through gritted teeth. "Well ... its not what i want from you" she walked closer. I didn't move. I'm not afraid of her. "So," i raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you want from Alyssa?" I asked as she walked closer.

She took a few more steps. Now, she was right in front of me looking straight into my brown, angry eyes as I stared into her mischievous ones and said "You"

She leaned in and her lips were about to touch mine but something pulled her back.

I stared in shock as an ear- peircing sound ran through the hallway making the few peopleㅡ around twenty students, stop what their doing at look at the scene in front of them.

It was Alyssa. She slapped Luna. "Stay. Away. From. Him" she said between gritted teeth glaring deeply into Luna.

I mentally cheer as Luna stared wide eyed at the girl in front  of her. Luna slowly brought her hand up. Thinking that she was going to slap her, I grabbed Alyssa's arm and brought her by my side.

I watched as Luna touch her now red cheek and wrapped an arm around Alyssa's shoulder. "Are you okay?" I asked. Stupid question Felix. "Yes, can we go now?" I asked. "Lets go" i said as Jisung ran up to his little sister.

Alyssa POV

I was walking out of my last class for the day when suddenly I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned around and saw Jisung standing and smiling nervously in front of me. "Hey" i said. "Hi, uh, i was wondering ... we're ... uh, cool now right?" He asked and fidgeted with his fingers. I smiled and chuckled softly. "Yeah"

"Good. Um ... i guess we should go now, Felix is probably looking for you, plus i have to find my sister" he said. I agreed and walked away.

When i got into the hallway the sight in front of me shocked me. Felix and Luna. Luna was leaning. I quickly ran up them and pulled back Luna before she could do anything as Felix stared wide eyed.

I slapped her and shot her a death glare. "Stay. Away. From. Him" i said between gritted teeth. What shocked me, is that Luna did nothing. She lifted her hand and Felix quickly pulled me away from her. "Are you okay?" I nodded and stared where Jisung stood watching the whole thing. He smiled apologetically me and ran up to his sister.

I asked Felix to leaved and we did.

"Are you hungry?" He asked when we reached the dorm. "Nah" i said and sat on the couch. "Where are the others?" I asked. "i think some of them went to JYPE to finish off a song for 3Racha and others went grocery shopping." He answered.

"Anything you want to do?" He asked. "Nah" i walked up to him and pulled him into a hug. "Lets just stay like this for a while"


Can u guess who that is in that pic?






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