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Alyssa's Pov

The next day I was woken up by my notification sound going off all the time. I groaned and rolled over on my side then turned the phone off completely after I checked the time. I got up and did my morning routine then left the house with Alex.

At school

I headed to my locker and grabbed my books for the first lesson. Something seems off though. They were tons of whispers and staring at me. Alex gasped and dropped her phone next to me.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Is everything with you and Felix okay?"

"Yea, I talked to him on the bus this morning"

"Well, not for long" she said.

My heart beat increased and I was suddenly nervous that someone found out about Jisung and I meeting, plus Felix and I dating.

"Alyssa Park!" I turned my head and saw Yeri walk up to me. "Can I help you?" I asked. "Jisung wants to see you" she smirked. I looked back Alex and she just stared at Yeri. So I just shrugged and faced Yeri again.

She smirked and grabbed my hand. "I can walk y'know" I yelled as everyone in the hallway stared. "Yeah, 'cause I totally care" she said sarcastically.

Behind the School

"Why are we here?" I asked and crossed my arms as I waited for Jisung to arrive. "You'll see" she smirked and walked away. "YERIM!" I yelled but she ignored me and walked away.

What could Jisung possibly want?

"Alyssa Park"

I turned and gasped then stumbled back at the person in front of me. "W-who are you?" The girl had black-purplish hair and the school uniform on but I think I've seen her at least once or twice at school.

"Park. Lu. Na"

"I'm Jisung's sister." She walked closer to me. Just as I was about to say something, I felt a stinging pain in my left cheek. I held it and looked at her shocked. "Stay away from Felix". "And if I don't?" I asked.

Who the hell does she think she is?

"I'll ruin your life" she said and walked away

Felix's POV

I saw everything. I knew she was with Park Jisung. "Something's wrong here" Hyunjin said. He's right. Something does feel wrong. "Isn't that Ali, hyung?" Jeingin tapped me and pointed. I looked up and Alyssa and Yerim were going outside. "I'll be back" I said and ran after them.

After I got out side I hid behind the wall and watched the whole thing. Yerim walked off and a girl walked out. They were talking for a few seconds then Alyssa was ... slapped in her face?!

I was about to go out but I couldn't move. Like something was telling me to stay back. "Stay away from Felix" she said and walked away. Suddenly, Alyssa fell to the ground mumbling something and crying. As I walked over to her, I was beginning to hear what she was saying, "I got myself into this mess". I kneeled down and hugged her.

She looked up shocked. "F-felix" she stuttered. She looks so ... hurt. I've never seen her like this. "Shh" I hushed her and hugged her again. This time she repsonded to the hug and we were like that for a while.


Another chapter!
I hate exams.
Worst part is that i missed a day and now I dont undertsand anything that is happening in Chemistry or Math. I'm so doomed.

Song- UNB - Sense

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