16 (Edited)

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"Ah!" Chan's screams were heard throughout the dorm. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I love you, Chan but, wow. We were watching 'SAW' and Chan was literally the only one screaming, not even Jeongin, the baby.

"Don't do it. Don't do it- NO!!!"

Felix sighed, obviously annoyed, before whispering, "Lets just put on a k-drama next for him." I ended up agreed.

Everyone but Chan, Changbin, Jeongin, Felix and I were asleep. "How do they sleep through this?" I asked.

Changbin shrugged, "They're weird kids".


"What else do you want to watch?" Felix asked.

"Um ... love for a thousand more?" Jeongin suggested, startling us.

He was so quiet I forgot he was there.
"Sure. I love that drama!" I said.

"English subs?" Changbin asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Why? You know Korean already." Felix said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well... I don't know. Is it weird that I miss using English?"

"You talk english with Chan and I."

"Yeah.. I know."

"We need more snacks!" Jeongin suddenly yelled.

"Lets get icecream, it's so soft!" Changbin yelled.

Wow. I never heard that from him before.

"You're really soft and fluffy when you want to be aren't you?" I chuckled.

He smiled and nervously scratched the back of his head. "Maybe."

"Okay, who's going for the icecream?" Felix interrupted. "Oh, wait, we'll go" Felix took my hand and ran out of the apartment before anyone could say anything. We, then, started walking a comfortable silence once we were half way there.

"So..." Felix started while I just stared at our interlocked hands. "Ally?"

"Hm?" I finally answered.

To be honest I didn't want to talk because I'm really lazy. Does this only happen to me or...?

"I'm bored" he ran a hand through his locks and puffing his cheeks out.

"Stop it!" I said, startling him.

"Huh?" He raised an eyebrow at me confused.

"Stop being so cute, I can't take it!" He just stared at me.

"I'm literally speaking for all of the Stray Kids fans here when I say stop but still continue, you get me? BY. THE. WAY! When are you guys gonna tell us your fandom name!? I'M DYING HERE!" I spoke almost all of thoughts. Felix just continued to stare at my, bewildered by my outbursts.

My mind was still concentrated on what Mina said... she likes Felix? Something's a little weird about that. It doesn't seem ... sincere, you know?
Something's up with that girl and I'm gonna find out.

"Hey, you wanna help me with something?" I ask after a moment of silence.

"With what?" His voice came out raspy as if he had just woken up from a long sleep.

"Uh..."  don't need no butterflies when you give me the whole damn zoo- or something along the lines of that. Guess the song.

"I um... wait. I forgot-"

Felix laughed "Seriously?"

"Yes." I whispered.

"You're unbelieveable" he ruffled my hair.

"Hey, you know what song is awesome? DAY6 'CONGRATULATIONS' DID I MENTION HOW MUCH I LOVE JAE?!" I yelled out.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Awe is someone jealous?" I teased as we enetered an icecream shop.

"What? Pft- yes" He mumbled the 'yes' quietly.

"I heard that! Awe FELIX IS JELLY!"

"Shhh..." He put a finger to my lips. "Lets get one bucket of cookies and cream, one of chocolate, one of mint chocolate chip and two of french vanilla." Felix said before removing his finger. I nodded. Five buckets of icecream for five people. We didn't need that much but still..... we did.

We got the icecream, got what we could and walked back out of the shop. "Hey what time is it?" I asked. Felix looked at his phone then looked up to me.

The light from his phone was shining on his eyes so they looked like they were sparkling. "Did you even hear what i said?" Felix snapped me back to reality.

"Hm?" I stared at him cluelessly, 'cause I was genuinely lost.

"I said 9:00 pm. You would know if you weren't staring at me the whole time" Felix smirked.

"Shut up." I murmured and pushed him lightly. He chuckled and leaned down a bit to my height before swiftly kissing my cheek and running off.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE, SNEAKY SNAKE!" I yelled and chased after him. Luckily he had the icecream so he couldn't run much.

After I finally caught up to him he chuckled and ruffled my hair. "You should really work out more" He told me as I panted hard. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"You should too."

Okay we all know thats not true I mean HAVE YOU SEEN HIM ?!?!

"I do, though" He smirked before continuing, "Wanna see?" He put his hand on the hem of shirt, "Nope!" I quickly put my hand on top of his own blocking him.

Then I realised what I did I pulled it away before looking away embarassed. Felix laughed and ruffled my hair.



As promised, here's another chapter ♡

Thanks for almost 100 votes, ily. Oh if you noticed, its a bit longer than usual.

You're welcome♡

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