5 (Edited)

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Alyssa's Pov

The bell rung and Felix and Jeongin grabbed my two hands. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Cafeteria" they said in unison.

"Oh...wait what about Alexis?" I asked.

"Text her to meet us there" Felix said as we walked. My jaw dropped.

"So many idols!" I whispered under my breath. They laughed at me and lead me to a table where...



And Alex were sitting. She knows them?

Well that was fast

"Hey guys!" They said. They all looked up and smiled at us.

"Oh this is my sister and Felix's future wife, Alyssa"

I smacked her. "shut up!" I said to her. They laughed and continued eating as we sat down.

"So, how'd you meet them?" I whispered in Alex's ear.

"Hyunjin is in my class and he introduced me to Jungkook just now. MY BIAS IS IN BTS! AHH!" She squealed softly.

"Hah!" I laughed.

Then Yeri walked in.

"Hi oppa!" She said and sat next to Felix.

"Hey." He said and smiled at her. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Sorry disturb your flirting, I'm just gonna go now! Alexis, come now!" She got up and we left before anyone could say anything.



"Is somebody jealous?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows up and down. "Of course not" I defended myself. "So why'd we have to leave then?" She asked.

"I just didn't feel like being by myself right now yet I didn't want to be around those to flirting away their life" I rolled my eyes as we kept straight in the hallway.

"Where exactly are we going?" She asked. "When I went to the bathroom in Chem, I wandered around and saw this." I mumbled and lead her out to the school garden. (A/n: I don't know if SOPA has one so just pretend it does)

"Woah~" she said in admiration.

I chuckled, "I know right, it was my thought about it when I saw it" I said and sat on a nearby bench.

"We should make this our regular spot" She suggested. I shrugged and nodded. "Sure"

We both plugged in headphones and listened to music while taking in the beautiful nature around us.

Next class

Alex and I managed to learn our way around the school with the help of Hyunjin and Jeongin.

Right now I have History. Lucky me *sarcastic tone* I have Yeri in here with me. But thankfully, I have Jeongin with me. I sighed and rolled my eyes when she entered the class.

"Ms. Kim Yerim you're late...again" the teacher scolded. She bowed and apologised. "Sorry ma'am, I was busy." She said. The teacher sighed probably knowing she was getting no where with her.

"Whatever, take your seat".

"Okay, lets start. You will be working in groups of three for a class project on a Korean Places of Interest. I'll tell the groups




Jeongin, Alyssa and Yerim."

dedicated to Drunk_hippo and zaugoo

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