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Question: Whats the most requested fanfiction. Like with who? Me needs to know

i'm thinking about H.Jisung/Taeyong tho. Maybe Taeyong because I'm doing a jisung already. Been having some Taeyong feels lately-

Maybe  a Seventeen ff because I miss doing one of those. Mingyu, Vernon , S. Coups or Jeonghan.

Btw check out my Adopted by Seventeen FF *still editing*

Or got7


The next day

I got up out of bed happily smiling to myself like the idiot I am then showered and brushed my teeth before shouting, "ALEXA GET YOUR LAZY BUTT UP!"

Today we're going to the amusement park with all of Stray Kids and I'm so excited!

I dressed and brushed my hair down then put on some lip balm and was ready although we're not leaving until two hours, which is it twelve.

Then I got a call from Jisung.


Accept | Decline

Me: Hii Jisung!

Jisung: Hey Ali, ready for today?

Me: Yup! Of course. I can't wait

Jisung: Great, me either.

Me: ...

Jisung: ...

Me: Well this is awkward

Jisung: ... yup. Talk to you later?

Me: Yup. Baii

Jisung: See ya

After ... that I went to the kitchen and got breakfast with Alex.

"Who made this ... this is great!" I exclaimed.

Momoland: GREAT

Alex gasped. "Are you saying that my cooking is teribble and this one is better!?"

I nodded and smiled.

"Well then"

remember when Tori from Victorious always went 'Well then' when Jade told her something ...


I laughed.

"So who?" I asked. "Felix" she replied and I choked. "Lee Felix?" I asked. She nodded and ate more. "You're so lucky. But I'm luckier because of Hyunjin" She smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"If you say so" I replied.

"Dude, lets go we're gonna be late!" Alex yelled suddenly. "Chill"

Exo hehe

"We have at least an hour left" I stated and rolled my eyes. "Lets go"

We walked out, not forgetting to lock the door and stood at the nearest bus stop. "I'm so excited!! This is like a double date thats being intruded by the rest of Stray Kids! My favourite group!" Alex squealed.

I chuckled, "have you met them yet?" I asked. "Yup." "And you didn't tell me?!" I gasped.

"Well, you didn't tell me that you like Felix!" She said. "You didn't tell me that you like Hyunjin" I shot back.

We both groaned and rolled our eyes. Just then then bus appeared and we hopped on the headed for the amusent park.


After the semi-long bus ride we finally arrived at Lotte-

"So cool!" Alex squealed behind me. "Walk up and yup. Cooler than in the pictures" I agreed.

"Guys! Guys!" Alex! Alyssa! GUUUUYYYSSS!"

Yelling got my attention. Our shot up and we stared at the nine idiots a couple feet away from us.

Two of those nine idiots ran up to us and soon I was crushed in a hug by Lee Felix.

"Air .... please" I said in between gasped. He pulled away and chuckled. "heh, sorry, I just missed you say much!" He said. I chuckled. "We literally saw each other yesterday"

"I know, I know!" He said and shot me his gummy smile. I felt my heart melt ... again. I mean, who doesn't? He's Lee Felix and he's adorable.

"C'mon, the guys are waiting for us" he said. I nodded and we held hands and walked up to the other eight members that were smiling. I noticed that Hyunjin and Alex were also there.

"ALI!!" They yelled out in unison. Then I was pulled into yet another bone-crushing hug.

"Lets go?" I asked as they released me. They nodded and we entered.



2.19k Views?! Okay what the-

Thank you guys so much
And almost 200 votes?! Thank youu. I might make this book a bit longer than I planned.

Oh btw Got7 The New Era is out!

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