9 (Edited)

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Alyssa's POV

"Just think of this as a second date"

He took my hand and intertwined our fingers. "Pft...like we ever had a first" I rolled my eyes. "We did, in the cafè" he pointed out. I tried to hide my smile behind a sigh but failed.

I looked at him and he was staring ahead of us smiling.

"Enjoying the view?" He suddenly asked, catching me off guard.

"W-what? N-no. I don't know what you're talking about" I stuck out my tongue. He chuckled and looked at me. "Yeah, right."

We walked for a bit more before we stopped at a boardwalk. "Woah" I admired the scenery before us. "I know right" He chuckled.

"Okay, how'd you find this place?" I asked. "I go here alot when I'm stressed. I found 'cause I was wondering around." He said and lead me to the end of the boardwalk.

We sat down with our feet dangling.

"So...why take me here?" I asked, finally breaing the silence that surrounded us.

"I only take special people here" He smiled showing his teeth. I felt my heart flutter at the statement. "I guess you must've showed alot of the girls this place" I nudged him and smirked.

"Ha, nah. Just you" He looked into my eyes.
It was silent for a while, "We should get back" he said and stood up. I nodded and he helped me up.

We walked back to the apartment holding hands like we did before. We stopped in front of it and I was about to go inside until he stopped me.

"Wait." He said. I tuned to him, "What?" I asked. He walked up to me and kissed my forhead then hugged me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his blonde hair.

We pulled away and he smiled sheepishly at me while blushing slightly. "Good night" He whispered into my ear and his arms dropped from my waist. I let go and smiled.

"Good night" I whispered back and went into the house. I shut the door and went straight to my room. I changed in pajamas and put my hair into a messy bun.

I smiled and went to sleep on my nice, big, comfy bed.

The next day- at school

What happened with Felix last night was replaying over and over in my mind. I didn't tell anyone about it..not Alex or Mina, they'd probably assume stuff.

I felt pokes on my shoulder. I turned around and glared at the person. Then I saw it was Felix. "What?" I asked. "I was calling your name for the last twenty minutes." He complained.

"Wow, really? Usually its only ten. Desperate much" I mumbled sarcastically. He sighed and smiled. Just then the bell rung I got up and grabbed my stuff and left the class with Felix, Mina and Jeongin.

"Study hall now?" Mina asked. I nodded. She smiled, "Coming?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Nah, Felix and I have to come up with a dance for the talent show." I said. She frowned but then smiled and took Jeongin's hand and ran off.

I chuckled at the two of them and then faced Felix again. "Okay, ready?" I mocked him from last night. He chuckled and nodded then took my hand and we ran through the hall to the dance room.

"Okay so I was thinking-"

For the rest of the free period we've been choreographing the dance and it was amazing.

(A/N: Dance in media box)

hii! School is starting back soon so I might not be updating as often but i'll try to update at least three times a week or something.

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