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Alyssa's POV

(A/n: a few days later (in term break))

"K-con?" I asked him again. Felix bit his lip and nodded slowly while looking at me with apologetic eyes.

"Thats awesome, i'm glad you guys are going!" I said part sad, part happy for them. Mostly happy.

"Thanks" he mumbled.

It was silent for a bit. Not even comfortable. That was kinda rare with us. Felix and Jeongin are with me at my home and we are all just sitting on the couch staring in space now?

"Noona, can't you just come with us?" Jeongin pouted. I shook my head. "Nope, i doubt." I replied. "What if you had tickets for new york, not actually travelling with us, but still yeah" Felix suddenly said.

"Um .." i guess that could work..

"Isn't it too late?" I asked. "Of course not" A voice popped out. We all turned our heads and saw Alex standing there with Hyunjin by the door. I didn't even realise they were there.

"Well, i may or may not have booked tickets for New York already so we're leaving tomorrow afternoon at 1." She explained.

"Say waa!" I jumped out of my seat. "Yeah, its gonna be so fun, i even got tickets to KCON!!! They're not first row but close enough" she shrugged. My eyes widened and i hugged her so tight. "I've never loved you more sis" i said and grinned like a child.

She chuckled and hugged me back. I turned around after pulling away. A smile made its way to my face when i saw Felix standing there also smiling widely.

I hugged him and soon all five of us- Hyunjin, Alex, Jeongin, Felix and I were in a big group hug. "I'm so excited, i can't wait!!" Jeongin squealed cutely while jumping up and down.

"I know right?"

The next day

"Ali, you ready?" Alex asked. I nodded while grabbing my two suitcases. "I have a surprise for you" she said. "Uh oh, what is it?" I asked.

She just grinned and walked out to put our suitcases in the taxi.

At the airport

"Whats the surprise?" I asked Alex. We were just waiting to board the plane and i was kind of impatient.

"Flight XXX boarding now"

"C'mon" she grabbed my hand and we entered the plane.

I think Stray Kids are going on another plane.

I adjusted my bag strap and chose the window seat next to Alex. "Close your eyes" she suddenly said when she sat next to me. "Wha-" "its the surprise" she hurriedly said. "Now shut up and close them, chop chop chop (cypher hehe)"

I groaned and decided to do it anyways. After closing my eyes i heard some shuffling. After a bit i heard nothing so i got impatient and opened my eyes. "F-felix?"


Seems like de ja vu..

I blinked a few times. "Am i dreaming or what?"

"You're not" he chuckled. "Phew, okay then"

We talked for a bit more until it was time to take off.

New York, here we come..


Chapter 30 already? Woah..
I wasn't gonna make it so long but wow. Thanks so much for all the support you have been giving this book. I have so much more books to publish but i'm having some writer's block at the moment. Maybe i'll continue the stray kids series? Maybe...
Bts bias?
Stray kids bias?

Ohh anybody watched Kcon? I did! Wanna one, Golden Child (i don't stan but i want to), stray kids, suju and pentagon and heize were there!!

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