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Alyssa Park

Kcon had finally passed and sit was really fun. Alex and I went and so much fun, even made a couple of friends too. Most of the people at KCON recognised us- well me. Alex and Hyunjin's relationship hasn't been exposed yet.

Now that I actually think about it, I haven't heard much about their relationship. "Felix, have you heard anything about Hyunjin and Alex lately?" I asked. He looked up from his phone and nodded.

"I heard they got into a fight" He said. My eyes widened. "Wha-" "Don't worry, we're good now" A voice that sounded much like Hyunjin's said from the doorway.

We were still in New York and it was our last day. "We made up" Alex smiled and walked in with Hyunjin. "Oh, thats good" I sighed in relief. As much as I love my sister, I didn't want want a crying Alex to take care of.

"Guys, lets go out, double date?" Alex suggested. I shrugged and looked at Felix who also shrugged. "I see why you two are together" Alex sighed and shook her head in disappointed. We both shrugged again.

I looked over Felix's shoulder and saw that he was looking through his photos. "What ya doing?" I asked. He jumped a bit making me laugh and sit next to him.

"Don't... do that" he sighed heavily. "Sorry" I smiled and looked over to the couple across from me. They were watching us like two proud parents which made me laugh a bit. "So, what ya doing?" i repeated myself. "What does it look like?" He rolled his eyes.

"Sometimes, I ask myself why I like you" I sighed and turned myself away from him so that my back was now facing his side. Obviously, I was joking, but I don't think he knew that because I heard him sigh and felt him wrap his arms around my torso from behind.

I silent watch Hyunjin and Alex smirk and wave at me before leaving. "I'm sorry for snapping at you" I felt his breath tickling my ear. "I'm so stressed and.. took it out on you, so, I'm sorry" he sighed.

"Felix.." I spoke after a while. He hummed in response. "Why didn't you tell me that your parents didn't support your dream?" I turned around and faced him. He was looking down.

"Felix..." He looked up and his eyes locked with mine. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just... its hard to talk about it sometimes.." his voice trailed off as tears dropped from his eyes. How did I know about his parents? Internet.

Without saying anything else I wrapped my arms around him as I felt a few tears from my eyes. I felt his arms around me and my shoulder become a bit wet. There we were crying in each others arms.

When he feels pain, I feel pain. I can't stand to see Felix like this. "Its okay. I have you and the boys and Alex. I'm good now" Felix said and pulled away. "Felix, don't ever hide anything from me again" I said sternly.

"Yes ma'am" He faked a salute and said before placing his lips on mine. I returned the kiss as I felt face heat up. He pulled away and smiled at me. "I love you" "I love you too" I hugged him afterwards.


okay the ending was kinda cringeyyy it kinda hurt to write this chapter knowing what Felix is going through and how he cried.

I really hope he'll get better, I really can't stand to see any of the members hurt in anyways. BTW I HOPE CHAN(UNB) GETS BETTER FROM THAT CAR CRASH. I literally cried when I saw the news. But he's better now and resting.

Apparently he was going to perform with his original group A.C.E(THAT I LOVE SO MUCH❤❤❤) in Japan and got into a three car accident. he injuref his forehead but luckily that is all and he's doing a bit better now. Wish the best to these two babies❤❤

btw im not sure about making another chapter but should I do an epilogue? And if I should, on what? btw if u have any questions for the characters or me feel free to ask

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