Ch 1. Impressions.

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YG High. Home to many students here in Busan, including Park Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung was your average student who came from a tough home life. Her father abandoned her and her mother at a young age, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Despite her hardships, she worked hard at school in order to make her mother happy. Which is why she was walking in the rain to get to school, unable to afford the bus.

Chaeyoung was nearing the school entrance when a motorcycle swept pass, causing the puddle water to splash up onto her uniform.

She gasped as the water immediately soaked through sending a chill up her spine. She glared as she marched up to the owner of the now parked motor bike.

Lalisa Monoban.

Heiress Of the well known modelling company known as Nono9an. and the second generation of the prominent position. Every single cell in her body radiating superiority. The dream girl of both the guys, and girls of YG High.

Except for Chaeyoung.

"Hey! What the hell did you do that for?" Chaeyoung shouts as she marches up to her.

Lisa removed her helmet and gave Chaeyoung her charming smile. "Good Morning Park Chaeyoung. You know if you stay in wet clothes you'll catch a cold." She says walking towards the schools doors.

"You did this to me!" Chaeyoung shouts following behind her.

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm usually known for getting the ladies wet." Lisa says as she walks through the halls, making Chaeyoung stop in her tracks. "Bye Park Chaeyoung!"

"Unbelievable." Chaeyoung mutters.


Jisoo sat in the cafeteria eating her food as she listened to Chaeyoung rant about Lisa.

"She's always kicking the back of my chair, or throwing tiny paper balls into my hair, and don't even get me started on her flirting..."

She had been going on for sometime now, and Jisoo decided it needed to come to a stop.

"Oh damn." Jisoo says while setting her chopsticks down and observing her best friend.


"You're in love with her."

"Ugh! As if! She's always stepping on my shoelaces and smiling like the god damn sun—"

Jisoo just blinks at her, knowing that no matter how much Chaeyoung she tried to deny it, there was truth to her statement.

"Besides, It's not like I lie awake at night thinking about her." Chaeyoung says.

"Sure Chaeng." Jisoo nods while going back to her meal.


Chaeyoung laid awake in her bed trying to fall asleep as she stared at her ceiling.

"Oh no..."


A/N: Trying the short frequent updates for a change. But they'll be a little longer than this.

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