Ch 30. My Ride or Die.

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After telling Chaeyoung's eomma, she had called Jennie and Jisoo to tell them the news. Of course they were thrilled and Jisoo almost cried.

Key word, almost.

Jisoo was beyond happy, she's always known that Rosé would set out to do great things, even if she struggled in the beginning. She's never been more proud to see her friend grow into the successful woman she was turning out to be.

After all of their squeals died down, it was time for them to be serious.

They still had a drag race to attend after all.

Lisa had dropped Rosé off at her house to spend sometime with her eomma before she would be coming to pick her up.

She was instructed to wear all black, and nothing overly revealing. Lisa wasn't in the mood to beat anyone off with a stick. Jisoo was given the same instructions by a very persistent Jennie.

When it came time to pick up the girls Lisa and Jennie hopped into their cars and parted ways, agreeing to meet there.

Jennie had arrived at Jisoo's house in no time. She exited her car and knocked on the door.

She was surprised to see a girl open the door. A girl that was definitely not Jisoo.

"Oh...hi." Jennie says in confusion.

"Hi? Can I help you?" The girl says.

Jennie checks the house number to make sure she's not losing her mind.

Nope. This was Jisoo's house alright.

"Uh Yeah, is Kim Jisoo here by any chance?"

"Yes." The girl says, while looking Jennie up and down.

"...well can I see her?"

"Can I ask what for?" The girl raises her brows.


"Unnie! Leave her alone!" Jennie hears Jisoo's voice before the girl is appearing at the door.

Jisoo moves passed the girl to greet Jennie with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi babe."

"H-hi," Jennie stutters out, looking over Jisoo's shoulder to see the other girl smirking at her.

"Ready to go?" Jisoo asks, taking her hand.

"Uh Yeah, lets go." Jennie says, sparing a final glance over her shoulder.

She opens the door for Jisoo before getting in herself.

"Who was that?" Jennie asks while pulling out of Jisoo's drive way.

"My girlfriend." Jisoo shrugs.

Jennie slams on the breaks making a loud screeching sound and Jisoo bursts out into laughter.

"I'm just kidding babe!" Jisoo laughs.


"Oh my god you should've seen your face!!"

Jennie groans and continues backing out as Jisoo laughs hysterically next to her.

"Oh come on Jendeuk, don't be mad. That's my sister, she's dating Kang Seulgi. She knows who you are, she was just messing with you." Jisoo smiles.

She leans over the console and gives Jennie a kiss on the cheek.

"Forgive me baby."

Jennie sighs, she really couldn't stay mad at Jisoo.

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