Ch 17. Hearteu.

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One Week Later.

Lisa was sitting at her desk late at night doing homework when her phone went off with a text alert.

She smiled when she realized it was from Chaeyoung.

Park Chaeyoungie: Thank you for always giving me courage ♥️

"What's this?" Lisa says to herself as she retreads it. "Is that a heart?"

Things between her and Chaeyoung had been going well for the past week. Lisa was starting to see how great of a personality Chaeyoung had and it only made her admire Chaeyoung even more.

The girl had been happier these past weeks due to her mother's job at Lisa's father's office. It made Lisa's heart swell a little.

She stared at her phone with a look of awe. "Did she just send me a heart? What does this mean?" She smiles. "Nice."


Come the next day in class, Lisa sat at her desk smiling like a fool at her phone as she stared at Chaeyoung's text message from last night.

Her head poked up when she noticed Chaeyoung walk into the room and she immediately stands up with a small smirk on her face.

Chaeyoung tried to avoid her but Lisa steps right in front of her, holding her phone up to her face to display the text message.

Chaeyoung glances at it and swallows thickly.

"What?" She tries to act non chalant.

"I got a heart." Lisa sing songs.

"So what?" Chaeyoung says while avoiding her eyes.

"Well...I wonder why you sent me a heart? There are so many emojis, why a heart?" Lisa says.

She grabs Chaeyoung's shoulder and turns her so that they were facing each other.

"What could this mean?" Lisa smirks.

"What why? It means nothing." Chaeyoung blurts out nervously before speed walking away and lisa follows quickly with a smile on her face.


Chaeyoung fans her face in attempt to ease her blush as she continues avoiding Lisa.

She wasn't watching where she was going when she walked into someone.

"Sorry!" Chaeyoung says before she notices it's Jisoo.

"What's wrong Chaeng?" Jisoo asks noticing how flush she looks. "Is someone chasing you?"

"No." Chaeyoung looks around in a panic and Jisoo follows her line of sight.

Jisoo smiles and Chaeyoung laughs nervously. "Yah Lalisa!" Jisoo calls.

"Hey hey why are you—"

"What? I'm just calling her to talk to her." Jisoo smiles.

"Jisoo yah—"

"Hurry hurry!" Jisoo motions.

"Why are you being like this?" She says through clenched teeth before she panics and quickly walks away.

"Yah Lalisa!"


During lunch Lisa had finally got a hold of Chaeyoung and convinced her to come sit at her table after promising not to tease her about the 'heart' situation.

Although Lisa herself was giddy about it, she wanted to play it off.

"Wae? You don't have an appetite?" Lisa asks when she notices that Chaeyoung isn't eating. "Should we go buy something else for lunch?"

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