Ch 15. Artificial Love.

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A/N: If you don't know the Choreo to artificial love. You'll probably want to For this chap.

"I'm gonna do it." Jennie says.

"Do what?" Lisa asks.

"Ask Jisoo to be my girlfriend." Jennie says as they walk down the hall.

"Really? When?"

"I don't know, Soon." Jennie shrugs as they stop at Lisa's locker. "She's just so sweet, and smart, and beautiful, and..."

"Jennie yah," Lisa interrupts.


"I think you should ask her to be your girlfriend now." Lisa nods down the hall.

Jennie follows her line of sight to see Jinyoung flirting with Jisoo for what seemed like the millionth time.

"Go!" Lisa pushes her.

Jennie nods and quickly walks down the hall, Lisa hot on her trail.

"Jisoo yah." Jennie says once they reach the pair.

Jinyoung rolls his eyes. "We're busy here Kim."

"Hi Jennie." Jisoo smiles at her, and Jennie almost forgets why she came.

Lisa gives her a nudge to remind her.

"H-hi." Jennie stutters. For some reason Jisoo always turned her into a stuttering mess of nerves.

"Is there a reason you're interrupting our conversation. Can't you see she's busy." Jinyoung says.

Jennie glares at him and her hands ball into fist.

"It's fine Jinyoung." Jisoo says while bringing her hand to Jennie's shoulder. Effectively calming her down. "What did you want to say Jennie?"

"Jisoo yah. Be my girlfriend." Jennie blurts out.

"Really?" Jisoo smiles brightly before wrapping her arms around her neck. "Yes!" She says excitedly making Jennie giggle a little.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Jinyoung growls, effectively bursting their bubble. "Jisoo!"

"What?" Jisoo asks in confusion.

"What do you mean what?! I do everything for you! I do your homework, I buy you lunch, I walk you home! And you still choose her!"

"What do you mean? I thought we were friends?" Jisoo pouts. "Isn't That What friends do?"

"How dumb are you?! I like you! Can't you see that?!" Jinyoung shouts in her face.

"Hey!" Jennie steps between them, giving him a shove. "Don't talk to my girlfriend like that!" She glares.

"Don't touch me!" Jinyoung says, giving her a shove back.

Soon they were tackling each other into the lockers, and punches were being thrown.

"Jennie stop!" Jisoo begs.

Jennie shoves Jinyoung into the locker after receiving a punch to her jaw.

"Stop please!" Jisoo begs.


She drives her knee into his stomach before Lisa is pulling her off of him.

"Let go of me Lisa!" Jennie growls.

"That's enough!" A teacher shouts while holding onto Jinyoung's collar.

"Stop Jennie," Lisa says as she holds her back. "You'll get kicked off the team." She warns.

"I don't care! I'm gonna kill that asshole." Jennie growls.

"Jennie, Jisoo doesn't want this." Lisa says.

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