Ch 28. You Have to Tell Her.

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Early the next morning, Lisa drove to the coffee shop to pick up breakfast before going to see Chaeyoung.

She was standing in line when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Surprised to be greeted with Momo.

"Hey Momo." Lisa smiles.

"Hey," Momo greets back.

"How are you? I feel like I haven't seen you in awhile."

"Good I've been good. How are you? Still dating Chaeyoung?"

"Yeah," Lisa nods. "How's Dahyun?"

Momo smiles. "Great. I just, I wanted to say that I'm happy for you Lisa. I know we didn't really end on good terms, and I'm sorry for that, but I hope that you're happy."

"I am. Thank you Momo. Although I'm not thrilled you cheated on me, I'm glad that you've found someone for you. Dahyun seems like a nice girl and I hope that in the future we can be friends."

"I'd like that." Momo smiles. "Anyways, I should probably get going. It was nice seeing you again."

"You too Momo." Lisa smiles and waves her a goodbye.


"Good news, our project is done." Jennie says while approaching Lisa's locker.

"For real? What did you pay her with?" Lisa asks.

"Money duh? I don't pay people with makeout sessions anymore. Jisoo is my one and only."

"Good. I would've killed you if you said something else." Lisa says. "I mean real talk Jen. Jisoo is my friend now too, and of course I support you, but if you ever break her heart I'll kill you."

"And I'd let you." Jennie says. "Anyways, I need to go find said girlfriend."

"Have fun!" Lisa says.

Jennie walks down the hall in search of Jisoo and spots her talking to Bobby.

Ugh I hate that kid. Jennie rolls her eyes.

She calms herself down by letting out a deep sigh. Jennie knew that if she let her overprotective rage take over Jisoo would just be mad at her.

So she calmly walks over to the pair.

"I know it seems out of the blue, but I really do like you Jisoo."

So does the rest of the school idiot. Jennie thinks.

"Oh uh thanks Bobby, but I'm already in a relationship." Jisoo says.

"You are?"

"Are you deaf?" Jennie interrupts.

"Oh Hi Jennie." Bobby says nervously.

"Hi Robby," Jennie says his name wrong on purpose.

"Uh I-it's Bobby." He corrects.

"Right sorry."

"I should go."

"Yeah, you do that." Jennie smiles sweetly.

Bobby quickly walks away leaving Jennie and Jisoo. She leans against the locker as Jisoo looks at her pointedly.


"Do you always have to do that?"

"Uh Hell yeah. Do you even know how many people in this school would kill to have you as their girlfriend? A lot. And they need to stay in their lane."

Jisoo takes a step forward and presses a lingering kiss to her lips. Just long enough to make Jennie forget what she's talking about.

"I'm yours and only yours okay?"

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