Ch 14. Lisa Oppa.

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Jennie checked her watch for the time as she stood outside of Jisoo's house, with her motorbike parked by her.

She had been waiting for around ten minutes now, for the girl come out so that Jennie could give her a ride to school.

Jennie looked in her sideview mirror to see if her hair was okay. She had to look her best for Jisoo.

She played with the zipper of her leather jacket in boredom as she waited.

"Hey Motorcycle." Jennie hears a voice call.

She turns around to be greeted with a young man, who she can assume is Jisoo's brother since they were almost identical.

"Hello." Jennie bows out of respect.

"I've seen you here often lately." He says.

"Uh I-I'm here to pick up Kim Jisoo."

"Ah. Don't just talk to her, look at her face too." He says. "Because I know she's been in there for an hour getting ready."

"O-okay." Jennie nods. She turns at the sound of a door opening to see Jisoo stepping out.

Her eyes are immediately glued to the goddess in front of her as Jisoo gives her a shy smile.

Jennie starts smiling like a dope as Jisoo approaches her. Her hair was in a braid today, and she looked beautiful as always.

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(A/N: Don't even get me started on this beauty)

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(A/N: Don't even get me started on this beauty)

"How much was this?" She hears the guy ask, but she's too busy staring to answer. And before she knows it, Jisoo is standing in front of her.

"Oppa yah, leave her alone." Jisoo says.

"I'm a curious person Jisoo."

"Go back inside Seokjin, I'm going to school now." Jisoo says.

Seokjin eyes Jennie a final time, who is still smiling like a fool at Jisoo, before obeying his sister's wishes. "Fine."

"Hi." Jisoo greets once Jin is back inside.

"H-hi." Jennie stutters before realizing she sounds like an idiot. She clears her throat and straightens her posture. "I mean Hey."

Jisoo giggles and leans up on her tippy toes to kiss her cheek. "Lets get out of here."


Back at school, Chaeyoung had bullied herself into working up enough courage to speak to Lisa. After contemplating Lisa's and Jisoo's words all night, she's finally made a decision.

"I have something to say to you." Chaeyoung says as she walks up to Lisa's locker.

"Say something? What is it?" Lisa asks.

She watches as Chaeyoung pulls out her phone, typing something, before she's putting it back into her uniform pocket.

"I'm going to head to class." Chaeyoung says.

"What were you going to say?" Lisa asks.

"I said it." Chaeyoung says before Lisa is watching the older girl walk away.

"What was that? She had something to say..." Lisa says to herself as she watches Chaeyoung's retreating form.

Her phone vibrates in her pocket and she quickly pulls it out.

[ 1 New Message]
Park Chaeyoung: Do you want to date me?

Lisa's eyes widen at the sight of Chaeyoung's text and she quickly looks down the hall in awe. She starts running down the hall before turning and bursting into Chaeyoung's classroom.

"Miss Manoban can we help you?" The teacher asks while the attention of the classroom is turned to Lisa.

Lisa is smiling like a maniac as she tries to catch her breath. "Yah Park Chaeyoung! My heart is racing. My heart is beating like crazy!!" She shouts before running out of the classroom.

She surely was already a fool in love.


When Chaeyoung's class was over Lisa was already waiting eagerly by her locker.

Chaeyoung shakes her head with a smile and approaches her.

"Hi Lisa."

"Hi." Lisa smiles. "Chaeyoung ah, I don't want you to think that I'm not tough. I can assure you that I can wear the pants in the relationship."

"Can you?" Chaeyoung smiles teasingly.

"I can." Lisa nods.

"How am I supposed to believe you?"

"I have many Charms, Park Chaeyoung. Watch." Lisa says.

Chaeyoung watches as Lisa walks a little farther down the hall before being swarmed with a group of freshman girls.

"Lisa oppa!"

"Hey," Lisa smiles, putting her charms to work.

"Lisa oppa, can we ask you a few questions." One of them asks, and Chaeyoung could practically see her heart eyes.

"Anything for a sweet girl like yourself." Lisa smiles, glancing up to catch Chaeyoung's eye. She knew how to work the ladies over, and she was going to prove it.

"Aish you make my heart race." A girl says.

"I'll calm it for you." Lisa winks. She sees Chaeyoung gag at her cheesy line and she wants to laugh.

"Lisa oppa, you're known as the heart breaker of the school." One says as she twirls her hair and bats her eye lashes.

"Jinjja? I can fix your heart if you need me to." Lisa says making them squeal in giddiness.

Chaeyoung shakes her head as she suppresses her laughter. She had to admit, Lisa was very entertaining to watch.

"Could you excuse me ladies. I have some business to attend." Lisa says.

"Of course. Have a good day." They bow.

"You just made it one." Lisa winks before walking away, smiling smugly as their giddy giggles fill her ears.

"You're a Playboy." Chaeyoung smiles as Lisa approaches her.

"What can I say, the ladies love me." Lisa says as she does a small  spin, making Chaeyoung laugh.

"Yes I can see that." She chuckles. "I can't believe they fell for all of that bull crap." Chaeyoung says. "Oppa! I'm hungry! Please feed me, Jebal, Jebal!" She imitates in cringy aegyo making Lisa laugh.

"Are you saying you wouldn't fall for it?" Lisa raises her brows as she takes a step closer.

Chaeyoung smiles and leans in to whisper in her ear. "Never in a million years." She says before walking away.

Lisa watches her disappear down the hall with a smile on her face. "You'll fall for me one day Park Chaeyoung."

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