Ch 6. I want to Kiss you.

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The Next Day;

Lisa was distractedly listening to Momo as her eyes wandered down the hall to Chaeyoung's locker.

The girl still hadn't made her appearance and class was starting soon.

"Babe are you listening?" Momo says snapping her fingers in Lisa's face.

"Huh? Yeah. Listen I gotta go find Jennie, we need to talk, yeah soccer Okay? Bye!"

"What...Okay then." Momo trails off in confusion as she watches Lisa disappear down the hall.

Lisa was speed walking down the hall when she ran into Jennie, who just happened to be with Jisoo.

"Jennie!" Lisa sighs in relief. "I need to talk to you for a second."

"Uh Okay, I'll talk to you later Jisoo." Jennie says and Jisoo gives her a smile and nod before leaving. "What's up?"

"I think I'm in big trouble. I-I need to break up with Momo." Lisa says quietly, looking around to make sure no one else heard.

"What? Why? I thought you guys were happy."

"It's not that I'm not happy with her, it's just that I kinda like someone else." Lisa sighs.

"Who?!" Jennie says excitedly.

"Park Chaeyoung."

"Who's that?" Jennie's brows furrow.

"She's one of Jisoo's friends." Lisa says. "Don't think I'm not gonna talk about that later." She adds making Jennie blush. "Anyways What should I do?"

"Well I think that you should think about a little bit longer. There's a lot going on in your life right now, and I think you should relax and think about if Chaeyoung is really what you want. If she makes you happier than Momo, then I guess go for it. Just know that I'll support you either way." Jennie says.

Lisa smiles an hugs her. "When did you get so smart?"

"I've been keeping it a secret." She winks.

Lisa laughs before they start walking to class. "So...what's with this whole Jisoo thing?"

"Oh well she somehow got my number and texted me. Turns out she's super sweet and fun to talk to." Jennie says. "She still won't tell me how she got my number."

Lisa smirks. "Do you like her?"

"Well I kind of just met her. Lets just say I'm open to new things." Jennie smiles.

"Well in that case. You're welcome." Lisa says.

"What do you mean?" Jennie asks as she takes her seat. "You was you! You fucking shit! Stop handing my number out!"

Lisa laughs and the bell rings, cutting Jennie off of her rant.


Lisa's eyes bounced back and forth between the clock and the door as she waited for Chaeyoung to show up.

The seat in front of her remained empty causing a frown to stay on her face.

The teacher assigned work for them to do but Lisa knew that she wouldn't be able to concentrate at this rate.

I wonder where she is...maybe she's avoiding you Lisa. Because you showed up to her house like a crazy person. Who even does that? Lisa thought to herself.

She's drawn out of her thoughts when a body flops into the seat in front of her. Her eyes brighten when she sees that it's Chaeyoung.

She reaches forward and taps on Chaeyoung's shoulder with her pencil.

"Hey, where have you been?" Lisa asks. She looks at Chaeyoung's hands and notices that they're shaking slightly, and there are small cuts on them. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Chaeyoung answers shortly.

Lisa nods and leans back into her seat, silently going back to her work, deciding to let it go for now.


"Hey, Wait up!" Lisa calls out when Chaeyoung rushes out of the classroom. She follows closely before grabbing Chaeyoung's arm since she wasn't stopping.

"What do you want Lalisa?" Chaeyoung protests.

Lisa drags her into an empty classroom and closes the door. "Where have you been?"

"Why? I don't need to tell you anything." Chaeyoung says removing her arm from Lisa's hold.

"What happened to your hands?" Lisa points making Chaeyoung cover them.

"It's none of your business." She mumbles.

"Just tell me what happened."

"Why?! You don't know anything about me Lalisa! You don't know how hard it is for me! To go home and sell baskets only to go back and make new ones every night! Because your mom works two jobs to keep you fed and all you want to do is help, but you can't!" Chaeyoung explodes. "You can't because all she wants for you to do is go to school, so that you can make a better life for the two of you in the future." She says before moving to leave with tears in her eyes.

When she reaches for the door knob Lisa grabs her wrist, turning her around before pinning her to the door.

Chaeyoung's breath leaves her lungs as Lisa stays in close proximity.

"You don't know me either Park Chaeyoung." Lisa says quietly. "You're right. I don't know you....but I want to."

"You have a girlfriend Lisa." Chaeyoung whispers as her eyes remain on Lisa's lips in front of her.

They stood in silence. Their eyes staring deeply into each others as they took in the closeness between them.

"I want to kiss you." Lisa says quietly, as she stares down at Chaeyoung's lips. "Does kissing someone come with a sense of responsibility?" She asks, flickering back to Chaeyoung's eyes.

"Aniyo." Chaeyoung whispers.

"I don't know if what I feel for you is love, or lust, or some other emotion..."

"Woman won't kiss you if you're that honest." Chaeyoung says quietly. "Woman have this fantasy...that a person who kisses her, does it because they love her."

Lisa leans in a little closer as her arm rests by Chaeyoung's head against the door. "Turn away if you don't want me to."

Chaeyoung lets her eyes fall closed when she sees Lisa leaning in slowly. She feels a soft breath hit her lips and just before they touch they're interrupted.


Lisa looks at The clock haninging above them and curses.

"Crap! I'm late for my game! I gotta go!" Lisa rushes out and Chaeyoung opens the door.

Lisa runs down the hall and Chaeyoung watches her before Lisa is stopping in her tracks.

Lisa smiles to herself as she stops in the middle of the hall before turning back around and Running back towards Chaeyoung.

"What are you doing?! You're gonna be—"

Chaeyoung is cut off when Lisa holds her face in her hands before pressing their lips together.

It's over before Chaeyoung can process what just happened and Lisa is running back down the hall to the locker rooms.

Chaeyoung stands their frozen as she watches Lisa disappear down the hall. She smiles softly and touches her lip.

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